Sunday, December 31, 2017

"Rajini's political ideology is a hint to alien influence in the country's administration", states Amazon University research team

From the time Rajinikanth started giving political comments before 21 years, Tamil Nadu has always been expecting his stand towards politics. Though Rajini has occasionally showed signs of entering politics, the major political parties were never bothered about him until recently, when he spoke about getting prepared for the war in a fans meet.

While there was so much buzz around throughout Tamil country (Tamil Nadu), Rajini has given a statement about starting a new political party and contesting in all constituencies in the upcoming election.

The statement has shaken the major parties of Tamil country since Rajini fans were already showing their support to his political entry. Before the major parties could respond to the situation, the concerned video was on repeat mode in news channel and social media.

On hearing the words multiple times, the politicians were confused about the kind of policies that Rajini held, because they had never heard similar political policies ever since Tamil country had got relieved from British rule.

When political parties were suspecting the policies to be alien, the department of Historic and Archeological research, Amazon University, Brisbane has taken the ideology of Rajini (unbiased spiritual politics) as a hint for their research about ancient alien invasion in the Tamil country. With this hint, they have confirmed that there has always been alien influence in the administration of the country and there could be a possible alien invasion in the country before Sangam period.

They have also stated that Tamil culture, language, literature, symbols and tradition had been influenced by alien influence siting examples from Tamil literatures which have always had an alien religious content, Tamil culture, which had alien life structure, and the government symbols, which have alien structures (the so-called temples) even today.

Possibly when Rajini becomes a successful politician, the research department would take the necessary proof for the confirmation of alien invasion into ancient Tamil country.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Scene 48: The robotic romance

The warm sunny day in the city of heat, she was well-dressed and waiting for him in the food court, where they regularly meet. The sun’s heat and dry breeze, added warmth to her feelings. She got a message from him, “I’m coming there in 5 minutes D”. A glimpse of smile appeared on her face and when she looked at the entrance, he was standing there in his usual uncared hair and untrendy T-shirt and pants, waiting to see her reaction.

She was not surprised as it was not the first time he did it, but still she was happy that he liked to surprise her. As there was not much of a reaction from her, he walked towards her feeling that his efforts went in vain. He came with an embarrassed smile and sat on the chair adjacent to her. He liked to be as close to her as possible rather than sitting opposite and watching her face all day long.

“So, what’s special today? Any gift for me”, he asked and tried a romantic look at her. She started laughing at him seeing the funny expression on his face. She tried hard to control her laughter, paused it and asked him, “What is that D” and resumed her laughter. He was surprised by that question and started thinking for a while. Before he could understand it, she opened the messages and showed him the message he sent earlier. It said, “I’m coming there in 5 minutes D”. She read it out loud and stressed on the “D” and said, “this D”. “Oh! That D”, he paused for a minute to recollect his theory and build it and said, “I use GBoard from Google, where there is an option to swipe the word instead of pressing the keys discretely and since S and D are close in QWERTY keyboard, the extra D appeared”.

The tea arrived. It took a few minutes for her align the words that he had told and find a meaning out of it. She always wondered how he could be so romantic and too robotic at the same time. Most of his replies seemed like she was speaking with an AI. When she was thinking over the blended character of his, he sipped at his tea and went to a deep thought. Before she came back to her wits, he yelled, “Yes, he would have been a genius”.

She was surprised to hear it this time. More than surprise, curiosity took over her senses and she asked, “the who”. He came back to his wits, processed her question, and recollected his current theory and tried to make a meaningful sentence out of it. He felt that she might need to know a preliminary information to understand his theories. So he asked her, “Do you know Christopher Sholes”. She opened Google app on her phone and typed the name. She got to know whom he was and before she turned towards him, he continued to talk, “He placed U and I closer. Do you observe it in your keyboad”. She confirmed that in her keyboard and blushed at him for how he could make romantic statements out of all the knowledge he had.

“Yes, so romantic he would have been”, she replied. He was surprised by this reply and tried to make sense out of her words. He understood what she was trying to say and replied, “Ya, that’s another thing, but UI means User Interface. He might have thought about concentrating more on user interface and purposely placed the keys together”. He stopped, and waited for her response. As her face dulled out, he kept the tea cup on the table suddenly and continued, “wait a minute. Look at the coincidence. UI is between a machine and a human. That is nothing but and connection between U and I, me to be appropriate. There’s a connection between every point to every other point in the world. May be these are imaginary, but still the connections and patterns are easily observable. Look how beautiful chaos theory is”. She dulled out completely and started wondering what made her fall for such an information machine.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Scene 9: He never misses out

As part of his usual routines, he came out that day to see the world outside his laptop. He did that every once in a while. He was his best company. He did not accept anyone in his world. With a cup of tea, which bought from the shop that he visited regularly, he walked on his favorite road.

That road seemed incredibly beautiful that day mild mist carrying the aroma of the trees on the sides of the road. With a sip on the tea, he went into his own universe of thoughts. A small scene brought him back to the life. An irresponsible man on a bike, spitting pan on the road. He never liked the company of others because, he thought that most of the people were spoiling the harmony of the nature.

The tea on his hand got over and he carried the empty cup looking for a dustbin. The shop from where he took the tea was not too far, but he did not want to go back, and he knew that there were a few dustbins at the end of the long road in which he was walking. Then, the scratching sound, he turned back to see that the irresponsible man on the bike fell on the road. He threw the cup away and started to run towards the irresponsible man. He was alive. He was in his wits. A few strangers gathered to set his bike right. He took a water bottle, which was lying on the road. The man claimed that it was his and asked for it.

The man wanted him to take him to the nearby hospital. He rode the bike with the man to the nearby hospital and the man thanked him for the great help that he had done. The hospital was not far away from the road he was walking. So, he decided to walk back and during the walk, the jigsaw got solved in a flash. After spitting the pan, the man wanted to wash his mouth. So, he opened his water bottle while still on his bike and lost the balance in the process.

He took a different route so that he could reach the end of that beautiful road and continue his walk back to his residence. Once he reached the road, the pleasant road took him to his world again. In his world, there was perfection in everything. Every living being worked in an harmony.

The long road almost ended and he suddenly stopped. There seemed to be a chaos in his mind. Suddenly he looked around. He went a few steps forward and backward to find the traces of the accident. There were a few scratches on the road. He seemed to have found something. He traced the scratches and it seemed like he was trying to visualize the scene on his mind. He found the exact location, where the man would have possibly slipped. He looked ahead on the road and found that white substance lying odd over the purely black road. It was his tea cup. He took the cup from there, carried it till the next dustbin, which was nothing but the dustbin outside the same tea shop.

There was a sign of smile on his face, a look of satisfaction. He felt that there was still harmony in the life.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

I didn't care because I had money

I had always wanted to move to government school to free myself off the stressful school life. It finally happened during my higher secondary education, when I moved from a private CBSE school to a self-financed state government school (which offered quality education in the locality in English medium).

All the excitement I had towards my new free school got broken within a week after I joined the school. I realised that the biggest mistake I had ever done till then was choosing a government school.

Though everything seemed to be alright with the school from outside, the environment inside the school was so demotivating me. The teachers had never seen a guy who would question them when he/she had got a doubt. Whenever I rose my voice, I was beaten down.

The school offered too much freedom, the freedoms such as being dishonest, coming late to class, skipping as many days or classes as we wish, not listening to class etc. The students who had wanted to behave like the ordinary irresponsible kids used the available freedom to their best and the toppers never rose their head, never interrupted the classes, neither initiated nor involved in any thought provoking discussions.

I was there in between both groups, left alone, finding it hard to make any trusted friend and frustrated with the limitations in the freedom. Whenever I rose my voice, I was set down rudely.

The time became even worse during the time of exams. Since I had a bad handwriting, teachers we hardly read what I had written in the paper. I had to beg almost every teacher for a pass mark. There was a huge humiliation by both teachers and students, because I was not like them.

To add more to the stress, I chose to be a rebel and write the answers in my own way. Frankly, I had poor language skills those days. So, I was experimenting my writing skills during exams and the result was still the same.

At a point of time, I stopped caring about the marks. So, did my parents thankfully. I realised that I was running a wrong race. The syllabus, exam pattern, teachers and the education system seemed to be wrong to me. I wanted to prove everyone that I was better than them by ending up in a place, which they could not even dream about.

I started looking for the opportunities and found out that there was a coaching centre in a nearby city (almost 35 km away), which offered training for AIEEE exam. I approached them and I enquired them about JEE training. Their reply was that I was 4 years late, because only 8th Std students were admitted to JEE training. Finally after a discussion, they offered me an one year AIEEE training, which I accepted and enrolled myself at the centre. I could do that only because I had money (my father had money to be exact).

Almost 40 tedious weekends, which started with 2.5 hours morning journey, 6 hours of classroom training, lunch in between, 2.5 hours of return journey, an exhausted dinner and sleep, passed by. Even then i didn’t realise that I was losing focus in both at the school and at the coaching centre.

Finally the board exams arrived. I was too casual and expected a 75% overall, a little above the par that was required as prerequisite for most of the competitive exams. Unfortunately, I couldn't score well in AIEEE too though I could clear the entrances of a few private universities. I finally chose of the private universities and had borrowed a huge sum as educational loan.

Long story in short, it's not easy for a rural boy studying in a government school to score well in competitive exams. The schools are neither of good quality nor of great support. Private coaching centres cost a lot and located only in cities. More than everything, the rural students are not aware of the opportunities available to them. It's even worse, if a student comes from the native medium.

When that is the case in most part of India, the government has made NEET compulsory for students to study MBBS. The results are clearly visible from the recent protests in Tamil Nadu. The point here is that the competition is not even between rural and urban students, and rich and poor students.

Despite these drawbacks, competitive exams such as NEET are the only possible ways for improving our rural education system. The best example is how I was not admitted for JEE training.

During the early years, these coaching centres would have trained only the 12th Std students. As years passed, the competition would have increased that they might have felt the students should have been trained earlier and gradually moved to the lower classes. Today there are not many institutes that take students above class 6 for JEE training. It shows that when there's a need at class 12, the need changed the lower classes and finally they have achieved a standard system from class 6.

The same would happen if students have to face a higher standard competitive exam at class 12. Gradually the education system would be forced to push their standard up even at the lower classes. Obviously it needs a lot of effort from everyone in the state to reform the system.

There's also a group of people who would like to do it the other way, i.e., to improve the standard of lower classes first and gradually increase it to higher classes, and then implement a better standard of exams.

Though that seems to be a sensible way, it would not work. The main reason is that in India no plans work without an immediate need. We all have the habit of waiting till the end and doing it ASAP at the last moment. The other reason is that the government changes every 5 year. So, even if a government modifies a syllabus for lower class (say class 6) and try to move up, when the student comes to a higher class (class 11), the government would change and nobody can expect the new government to continue the previous government’s plans.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Atheism is a part of secularism

Secularism comes in different shades in today's India, but is secularism actually existing?

In the 70 years of independent India, there had been many incidences of religious disharmony. Almost all the fights and deaths have been caused because of the clash between two religions. At the same time we can't eliminate the fact that, there had been cruelty served to people, who don't believe in God.

Whenever people speak about secularism, they speak about accepting all religions and giving the right for people to choose the religion that they prefer, but have we completely neglected atheism?

The fact is that today India has become intolerant to atheists than it had ever been before. That rises the questions about the earliest atheists in the world or in our country.

If people have accepted Darwin's theory of evolution, they should also accept the fact that the earliest humans existed in the world were all atheists. There could not have been an understanding of God during those ages. Only when humans started observing and questioning about their surroundings, the earliest understanding of God would have been developed.

Being so, it is totally unacceptable that religious people call atheists as conspirators. Religious people should be in a Harmony with atheists just like they're in harmony (or as they're pretending to be in harmony) with other religions.

Taking history into account, it was clearly evident from our ancient literatures that in the Indian subcontinent we had a harmony between the theists and atheists even before the time of Buddha (which was even before Christianity and Islam ever existed). Though there had been clashes between different religious groups in India in the past (the clashes between Shaivites and Vaishnavites for example), there is not much significant evidences on clashes between theists and atheists, which proves the point that there had been a harmony between theists and atheists in the Indian past.

The major threat for atheism in the world has been the Abrahamic religions, which propose the anthropocentric theory ( God created humans and he created all animals and plants for the welfare of humans). There has been sufficient evidences in the past about how atheists were Mass murdered by the Abrahamic religions. Since Indian religions are recently adapting this theory in their own religions, our Harmony is shattered.

No religion can be called tolerant if it can't accept the faith of others. This also includes the category of people who don't have faith on anything. Perhaps their faith is on science or humanity. Would accepting their harmless behavior, secularism can never be attained.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Baahubali to be included in school syllabus after SC ordered NCERT to do so

History has been one of the favorite subjects for students ever since schools started. There has been many times when stories from history are taken as movies, but conversely this time, a movie is to be included in history textbooks for CBSE.

This move was initiated after SC ordered NCERT to do so, when an youth filed a case against the government for he had lost a job, just because watching Baahubali was not found in his resume. In the recent past, Baahubali had become the most popular subject of discussion among the youngsters. It literally became a pride for Indians to watch that movie. In fact, to prove the nationality of Indians, CBI has prepared test based on the knowledge about Baahubali movie.

In such a scenario, a poor youngster who had just returned from foreign attended an interview to find an engineering job in India. To the surprise of the youngster, the basic qualification included watching Baahubali. Without reading this information, the youngster attended the interview.

To his surprise the topic for Group Discussion given in the first round of the interview was "why Kattappa killed Baahubali". The moderators of the GD pointed out his inactivity and asked him to brief about his knowledge on the same topic. As the youngster did not answer convincingly, the moderators checked his resume, and found out that he did not possess the qualification of watching Baahubali.

After that he was sent out of the interview room with a black  mark on his records on account of fraudulent data. Humiliated by this awkward scene, the youngster filed a petition in SC against the government for not educating the students in the topic of Baahubali. A three member panel of judges were appointed to hear the case and based on the hearings, they had ordered NCERT to include Baahubali as a mandatory chapter in history books.

It is to be noted that a sports trainer from South Indian Sports Academy has filed a plea to include Baahubali movie clips in training sessions all around India to help students learn fencing, weight lifting, archery etc in a better way.

The honorable PM on the Mann ki Baat quoted about this incident and expressed his pride in innovating education. He also promised that by including Baahubali movie clips in sports schools, India would definitely win gold medals in all sports at the next Olympics.

Earlier there had been discussions for Facebook to introduce a "watched Baahubali" button on the timeline, which can be used by the people to notify all their friends about that achievement, but later the plan was cancelled due to a technical malfunction.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Scene 67: Moon and Star

Those dry days. I was unhappy almost every day. Then she finally me an appointment to meet her. It had been almost been an year since there was any deary day for us. Everyday was a rough day.

After a week of pleasing through messages, she finally agreed to meet me for half an hour. It was 7:25 and I was just 5 minutes away from meeting her. I looked at me again, that attire, which she would call as “disgusting”, the messy hair etc. added with the frustration, anger and impatience made the waiting time worse.

She finally arrived. She waved a bye to all her friends and walked towards me. I melted like cream on seeing her. I kept of all the emotions and kept cool with that natural smile.

On seeing me, her face darkened and she turned her face off me as she came closer. She sat near me. I said, “hi. How are you?” She turned towards me, but my disgusted again by my attire she turned away and told, “I have to leave at 8 sharp. Speak whatever you want till then.”

It kind of hurt, but still I managed to maintain the smile and said, “it's ok. Why are you so angry? Is it because of”. She stopped be right there and said, “look. Don't waste your time speaking all these. I'm not interested to speak anything with you. Who are you for me to get angry on you?”

Those words touched my ego. The ego fight continued. She looked away. I patiently kept looking at her hoping she would look back at me. Awkward silence…

After a long time, I realised that she was stubborn enough to not look at me the whole time, and drifted my eyes of her. The moon was shining on the sky. The sky was so clear and I could see the stars clearly.

She finally turned towards me and said, “fine minutes more. I thought you would use this opportunity wisely, but you seem to be filled with thoughts”. I kept staring at the sky and replied, “no. It's just a thought, that's disturbing. Would you like to hear?”. It had always been my thoughts that had made her like me. I knew that she would want to know what it was.

She replied, “as if you're gonna leave me, if I'm not interested. Please proceed…”

I brought back all the charm I could and started explaining her, “you see the moon and the star near it? They kind of look like you and me. You're that moon and I'm that star near it”. She got curious, but pretended to be uninterested and replied, “even if you praise me with all such imaginations, it won't change anything between us. You're still disgusting”.

It was my last chance to prove myself. I replied, “wait wait wait. Let me complete it first.” She got more curious and came even closer. I continued, “you see the moon? Is just a reflecting surface. It can't produce it's own light. It depends too much on sun. It orbits around Earth, which is orbiting around sun. But see the Star, it would possibly be larger than the sun, it produces it's own light and energy. But still people think moon is a greater object than the star. That's life.”

Trust me. I was the happiest man on the Earth at that moment, but she… Her face actually got reddened. That yelling sound came from mouth, “this is exactly why hate you.” I stopped her right there, smiled and said, “that's the fifth time you're using this phrase. Everything is for a different reason though. Tell me why exactly you hate me among those reasons.”

“Never ever try contacting me again. Get lost. It's over”, she shouted and moved off. “Ok. I'll call to tomorrow. Bye. Safe journey. Thanks for the extra ten minutes”, I shouted back with a smile as moved away from me. That smile remained and I kept watching her leave me. It was indeed a lovely day.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Aadhar Card mandatory for opening an YouTube account

Government of India is about involve in the citizen's privacy

Intolerance has been growing in India ever since the current Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has come into power. Religious, cultural and linguistic harmony among the people has become an unreachable desire in the recent past. The effects have also made us to feel that we are still not an independent nation being rules by a tyrant monarch.

What has become intolerable is that the government is even involved in making the decisions of the individuals. Aadhar Card, which was the achievement of the previous Congress government to be used as a fancy ID card, that can be framed and placed in the showcase, is misused by the current government to identify the citizens.

It has become more intolerable when Aadhar Card is made mandatory to the citizens of the nation. This act by the government has challenged the fundamental rights of the citizen, to choose to be a citizen of the country or not. It is pretty clear that the government is going to replace all the cards that we carry with the Aadhar Card and make us dump all other cards to dustbin. It takes a lot of hardship.

After making Aadhar Card as a mandate for students to get their mid-day meal, Government is ready to enter our own private world. The recent meeting with Google CEO, Sundar Pichai, was about the age restrictions that need to be taken care before watching adult content on internet. Google CEO, who is of Indian origin also understood the concern of the Government to focus the country's children into studies by tailoring the internet content specially for them.

Modi's recent meeting with Sundar Pichai and devastating results
There are a few challenges that have to be faced, in order to achieve this tailored video and text content for the age groups, because most Indians give fake details, while signing up in Google and other social sites. Modi said in the discussion that, "With Digital India everything is possible" and asked Google to sync their user accounts with Aadhar number. Google has agreed to this idea and for the first step they are going to sync the YouTube accounts in India with Aadhar Card.

This move by the Government strictly restricts the freedom of internet for the children, who wishes to watch an adults only content. This will also be a blow to all those incognito users who would like to hide their personal feelings from the world. More than everyone else, it will affect the free time works of all those fake accounts, who try to make a living by creating accounts on girl's name and try to be an always-available-friendly woman to all those neglected boys.

Government gave a big blow to the life of all these minority population of the nation and trying to breach the code of democracy, which is "minority rules". Protests have already started in the nation against this move by the government, which is about to come to reality by the beginning of June.

Betrayal cases have been filed against Google for they are about to destroy the life of the hidden world, but Google is not concerned about it because only money does matter to them. What is worsening is the fact that Modi has started the talks to make Aadhar Card the age proof standard in India and about to meet Mark Zuckerburg and other social media giants by the end of this month.

If the discussions happen successfully, then we might get our Aadhar details synced with Google and Facebook details, that when we try to create an account in other online sites, the age restrictions directly apply to those accounts too. It would definitely affect the everyday pornography customers and hobbyists. This may even cause a lot of unemployment by cutting destroying the business of all those innocent video uploaders, whose only income is by uploading the web-cam and secret cam videos on such sites.

Seeing deep into this content, there is a lot of investments that have been made by all the fake account holders in buying a camera, internet, photoshop software etc. Most of them do not have enough money to afford their own equipments, hence they had got loans from private banks to arrange for all these. By destroying their business, they would not be able to payback the loans and hence the government has to bear the costs to repay the loans.

If the Government restricts the freedom even more, we should really consider inviting UAE, UK and USA to invade our nation and become a daily waged slaves to them.

Friday, March 3, 2017

In UAE then, in Tamil Nadu today fuel is transient in all terms

Even a layman knows the properties of fuel 
and its use in converting energy from one form to another. Generally fuel exists in transient form, but it's meaning is also becoming the transient recently.

Technically fuel is something that energises a process by killing itself. Recently fuel is not just kills itself, but also its own source directly or indirectly.

It's quiet known to people how wars are destroying many countries in this world. A few countries such Iraq and Syria are better examples of those destroying countries. It's also known to everyone that fuel is what fuels these wars. That's the first example for the fact that fuel destroys its own source.

The other notable example is the recent protests in the South part of India, in the state Tamil Nadu, where people are protesting against industries that are planning to extract hydrocarbon fuels from farming lands. It may look in a way that India is moving towards an alternative fuel production, but the reality is India is losing its own fuel of development.

Farming has always been the fuel for India's development and national stability. When fuel extraction comes to existence fuel would actually defuel (the act of draining the fuel to prevent it from causing anymore productive work) India's stability. This may cause interval war and may even lead to the destruction of the nation.

It is quite evident that fuel is no more a substance that would be used for production of energy. Instead it would be an agent of self-destruction and source destruction.

Who knows? Tomorrow Oxford may this new definition for fuel as a symbol of mass destruction caused by the fuel in various countries.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Indian Republic Day and National Flag could mean Conservation of Natural Resources

The tricolor might warn us about natural resource depletion
This Republic Day (26-01-2017) is a very important day in the Indian history, because too many movements are rising with the youngsters coming together to preserve the native cow breeds for quality milk and the natural resources such as water, land, forests etc, for a better living. Though there has been a few controversies related to the Republic Day this year, it would still be known as an arising day in the history.

The movements might have made the Republic Day as a day to remember about the depletion of natural resources today, but looking deep into the Indian national flag creates a feel that the designer of the flag has already warned us about this with the colors that he had chosen. The tricolor in our flag could probably mean a little more than what they literally mean. The different colors in the flag may mean different resources that are being exploited in our country.

Saffron could symbolize the native soil
The first color of the flag, saffron, which is said mean valour and courage. In native languages, courage and valour are directly referred to the soil as in "Veeram vilaindha mann" in Tamil.

So, the saffron color in the flag might actually warn us about the land depletion due to various reasons and remind us to preserve them. The depletion of soil due to synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and the illegal constructions could have been embedded on the saffron color.

White might mean milk
The white that is said to mean peace and purity, might be indicating the pure milk from the native cows. It is also to be noted that cows are the symbols of peace in many of the native languages.

The recent protest to lift the ban on jallikattu actually spoke about the purity of milk from the native breeds of the milk (purity here means the healthy milk).

Green means the greenery
Green as mentioned it is said is mentioning the greenery. The agriculture and the forest resources, which are the main sources of food and oxygen are getting exploited due to deforestation, illegal construction and exotic methods of farming.

The green color in the flag reminds us about the green resources, which are the most valuable resources of India and warns us about the after effects of the depletion of these resources in India such as pollution, food scarcity etc.

Blue circle may mean the water cycle
The value added service provided by the national flag, the blue Ashoka Chakra, which is said to mean the progress of the nation and the truth might actually mean the water cycle, which helps us in the development of the nation in terms of farming, industrial growth and hydro-electricity (and other domestic applications).

Water preservation has been taken as one of the motto of the youngsters, who has united for a cause today.

There could be other serious messages and warnings behind the national symbols of India. The whole idea is based on the visible relations between the flag and natural resources, and the assumptions arrived from the relations. Whatever could be the reason, when Indians should remember the mass movements when the flag is being hosted during the Republic Days in the future.

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Zen philosophy says, "God's existence doesn't matter"

Buddhism stands distinct among the wisdom-seeking religions of India (the religions that update their philosophies based on everyday questioning and learning), because it questions all blind-faiths, which includes the existence of God. Buddhists know that Buddha is not a God, who had had infinite powers to create the world or save humanity from evils or the one who protects the world. Instead they believe that Buddha is a preacher of pure wisdom.

The Zen Buddhists today have a better peace, clarity, tolerance and acceptance towards all religious people and the atheists is because, the existence of God doesn't matter to them anymore. The reason for their such conclusion could be well explained by taking the following scenarios:

1. If God exists and he's impartial to everyone in the universe, then there is no use in praying him for the improvement of one's life, because prayers won't make anyone special.

2. If God exists and he's poised towards good people, prayers would not help anyone attain any benefits from the God more than what he has earned by his good deeds.

3. If God exists and he's poised towards bad people, no matter how much prayer one does, he would be given the benefits on his bad deeds.

4. If God exists and he is poised towards flattery, earning benefits by pure flattery would question their honesty and self-respect. Hence it is simply a choice to sacrifice one benefit for another.

5. If God is a form of good force that drives the universe, then even the prayers are driven by the force and hence that would not alter the after effects.

6. If God does not exist, one's prayers and wishes reach no one. So their life would still be dependant on their own deeds.

When all the possibilities conclude that wishing for a benefit through prayers does not make anyone's life better, there is no need for anyone to pray to God to fulfill a wish. As every possibility suggests that the present deed would influence the future, the Zen Buddhists are acceptant and tolerant to everyone's opinions.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How Tamil people are about to inspire Oxford to include new definitions in their glossary

English is one of the commonly spoken languages around the globe, but English is taking a lot of its words and definitions from other languages. The recently added 'Aiyo', which is derived from Tamil is a good example of that. Within a few months from that word is added, Tamil people are inspiring Oxford to add one more definition for an already existing word in English. Before knowing about the word, let us look at the background of how they are inspiring the world today.

The recent past has not been so good for the Tamil Nadu state people. The mysteries behind the death of their CM, the Vardah storm, the take-over of the state governance by inexperienced people and finally the ban on Jallikattu have shaken the deepest part of heart of the people. These incidents made them awaken and take up the state responsibilities of the states, i.e., to share their experience, feelings, terms and conditions etc. on social networking applications such as Facebook and Whatsapp.

The ruling party in the center is happy about the support from the opposition parties and media, which twist the news in a way that people of Tamil Nadu use those words in the most creative way to spread hatred, which in turn is helping the Skill India movement of the center that focuses on bringing out the talent from the citizens of the nation in a productive way.

The youths have understood that they should move on from newspapers and public interviews of the ministers and rely more on what is being currently trending on Facebook and Whatsapp. This saves a lot of time in showing their creative talents such as content writing, meme creation etc. It is not wrong to tell the world that Tamil Nadu people are miles ahead in this type of innovations and they are about to start professional training centers in how to capture news from these reliable sources (timelines of friends, whatsapp status and messages, memes from other pages, anonymous blogs, stories based on assumptions etc.) and make it into a improvised statement within seconds.

That is not all they could do within a short period of time. To show their true potential, they had created a new use case for the phrase, 'reliable-source'. So, the Oxford might soon add a new word to its glossary called 'reliable-source', which would mean "any source that does not take the responsibility of the data they provide, which could probably be a hoax, assumption based on real real incidents, a twisted version of the real story, based on false facts or any other form of nonsense".

Let us take a moment to bow at all the people who had worked hard and still working for Oxford to do the same.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Smartphones in Chennai got short-circuited as tears from Facebook overflew due to the excessive use of sad smiley and reaction in the past months

People went mad on Samsung again as a few models started burning yesterday. Before any complaint was made officially, people started to realise that not only Samsung but other smartphones that include flagship models, Iphones and Windows phones.

Seeing this abnormal behaviors of the smartphones, several NGOs and other non-profit people welfare clubs came together to fight mitigate people from this disaster. The NGOs collected funds for this disaster relief, a few short films portraying the misery faced by common people due to this disaster were used to promote the awareness about the phone burning throughout the world. Supporting this move, Facebook was planning to release a button to mark people safe after the phone burn disaster.

As people around the world (who weren't the victims of this disaster) got to know about it, they started trending #weAreWithYou, #letsFightTheDisasterTogether, #PhoneBurns etc. on Facebook with sad smileys to show their support and world unity, but after they posted this on Facebook their phones also started burning. Though the phones got burned, the hashtags trended and caught the attention of Mark Zuckerberg, who was at his office during that time. Eventually he found his systems too failing, but due to redundant machines, everything recovered at his office.

The media questioned Facebook for being responsible for the #phoneBurn disaster, which originated from Chennai yesterday and spread throughout the world. The analytics team from Facebook headquarters finally found out that the excessive use of sad smileys and reactions in the recent past in Chennai while they were feeding their feelings for the sufferings of their CM, her death, the Vardah storm aftermath etc. had filled the Facebook water tanks with their tears. Before Facebook could dispose those tears off, another disaster, popularly knows as #msdStepsDown stroke them badly that sad reactions and smileys  arrived in just like flash floods and made the tears overflew from Facebook app.

As everyone had known (at least after 3 idiots movie), salt water is a great conductor of electricity. Hence it short-circuited the motherboard of the smartphone, which in turn made the phone to burn.

The CEOs of popular technological companies such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook etc. arranged for an emergency meeting yesterday night at the UNO headquarters to discuss about the mitigation plans and future advancements in order to avoid such disasters in the future. At the end of the meeting, they all signed a treaty to build a waterproof protocol for apps like Facebook (where people shed their tears frequently) to use so that there wouldn't be any further leak of tears into the circuits of the smartphones.

Government has planned to provide polyethylene bags to the affected people in order to use it till the waterproof protocol comes to market. The affected people reach your nearby government office, fill a form, attach the proof with it and get your bag for protection of your phones temporarily.