Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Atheism is a part of secularism

Secularism comes in different shades in today's India, but is secularism actually existing?

In the 70 years of independent India, there had been many incidences of religious disharmony. Almost all the fights and deaths have been caused because of the clash between two religions. At the same time we can't eliminate the fact that, there had been cruelty served to people, who don't believe in God.

Whenever people speak about secularism, they speak about accepting all religions and giving the right for people to choose the religion that they prefer, but have we completely neglected atheism?

The fact is that today India has become intolerant to atheists than it had ever been before. That rises the questions about the earliest atheists in the world or in our country.

If people have accepted Darwin's theory of evolution, they should also accept the fact that the earliest humans existed in the world were all atheists. There could not have been an understanding of God during those ages. Only when humans started observing and questioning about their surroundings, the earliest understanding of God would have been developed.

Being so, it is totally unacceptable that religious people call atheists as conspirators. Religious people should be in a Harmony with atheists just like they're in harmony (or as they're pretending to be in harmony) with other religions.

Taking history into account, it was clearly evident from our ancient literatures that in the Indian subcontinent we had a harmony between the theists and atheists even before the time of Buddha (which was even before Christianity and Islam ever existed). Though there had been clashes between different religious groups in India in the past (the clashes between Shaivites and Vaishnavites for example), there is not much significant evidences on clashes between theists and atheists, which proves the point that there had been a harmony between theists and atheists in the Indian past.

The major threat for atheism in the world has been the Abrahamic religions, which propose the anthropocentric theory ( God created humans and he created all animals and plants for the welfare of humans). There has been sufficient evidences in the past about how atheists were Mass murdered by the Abrahamic religions. Since Indian religions are recently adapting this theory in their own religions, our Harmony is shattered.

No religion can be called tolerant if it can't accept the faith of others. This also includes the category of people who don't have faith on anything. Perhaps their faith is on science or humanity. Would accepting their harmless behavior, secularism can never be attained.

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