Monday, December 19, 2016

Desires that drive us

Our own purpose for living, the motivation to work hard, the inspiration to wake up everyday, the dream that makes us sleep deprived, it is the burning desire inside us that is pumping our heart and driving us. Is it not?

After attending spiritual lectures, watching devotional movies, reading the books by religious leaders and out of personal experiences, I had finally realized the fact that all the miseries in our life were the results of the desires that I had had from the very beginning of my life. The miseries were either the pains that I had to undergo to achieve desire or the side effects that come after achieving the desires.

The recent words from a spiritual leader reiterated the thought that had been reiterated every time after I get what I had desired for, "Nothing comes for free". The ideologies such as "good and bad are bound together", "everything that one experiences currently is the result his previous deeds" also try to explain the corollaries of the one base concept.

Thinking about why desire should even exist, created the chaos in my mind and collapsed the ideologies that I had had on dreams, achievements etc. That chaos finally settled down with the conclusion that desires were always been the driving forces in everyone's life; Desires had made people do great deeds; Desires had revolutionized the world; Desires had brought out the full potential of humans.

Yet, when desires would bring misery with it, why should we even possess it for a  temporary happiness? The answer for that question would probably be the state of people to be unhappy with their present. Humans had always wanted to live a greater life and the only way to live such a life was to have a great desire, because desires had always had the power to pull humans to greater living. The achievement of a desire give us the confidence that everything is possible in the world. It also gives a satisfaction in life.

Then the final question arose. When desires had the power to pull humans to greater living, why had not everyone become greater beings? Why could only a very few achieve milestones though most of us had always had great desires? Did the desires really have that magical pulling power in them? The following example would perhaps bias us towards the belief that desires have the pulling power.

If we desire to have a chocolate, does the desire not pull us towards the chocolate and make us eat it?

The answer for the question about the existence of the pulling power of the desires lies in the type of the desire everyone possesses. There comes the term, which I would like to call as, "Desire Chasing". It means the constant action of redefining the desire based on one or more factors.

Now there are two types of desire chasers: the first type are the people who see the possibility of achieving their desires, move towards it and when their desire is in a closer reach, they extend their desire to a higher level and the second is the type of people who have a desire and when they find a better desire, they give up on the first desire and try to find the possibility for the second and if they find a better desire, they quit the second desire and so on, without moving a step towards any of the desires.

The second type of desire chasers are the people do not have the desire to achieve great deeds, instead they have the desire to have great desires. So ultimately, their desire simply pulls them to have a better desire and once they get a great desire in their mind, their desire makes them find a greater desire and hence they would not be able to achieve anything in their life.

So, we should always be careful on what we desire for and we should also note about the fact that desires are going to bring a greater misery, Hence, we should be ready to face the misery to achieve a greater good. Giving up on a desire just because of the fear about the misery that comes with it, is the most coward behavior anyone could ever have. Of all the desires, the greatest desire is the desire that was possessed by Buddha, i,e,. to not have any desire in life. Hence, let me conclude that being desire-less is the ultimate desire of a human.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Interval in Life

Anger and frustration were residing in her face. It was the same busy road, where we had spent our happy days skipping the buses and walking. Those days came in my mind. Her smile, her hair waving in the wind and her laughs after successfully humiliating me, everything just passed during that angry walk, she took towards me.

Oh! She was literally burning the air around her with her anger. My tears melted and started overflowing from my eyes because of the anger that was radiated from her eyes. Then, she came close to me, close enough to sublime me into human vapour.

I stood there paralysed seeing her eyes and then her mouth uttered a few words. The words traveled for quite a long time in air before reaching me. Time had slowed down considerably. "Why are you waiting here?", we're those words.

"Waiting for you, my dear", I told. Wiping out my tears and pretending as if there was dust in my eyes. "You don't have to wait for me. It's all over between us. Go get a life", she told turning her face away. I controlled everything and started smiling, because that was the most expected answer for me and I could do nothing about it.

When she saw me smiling she said, "Don't look at me that way having lost your rights over me. Never ever call me dear. Don't even call me. Forget me. You're no one to me."

My lower jaw dropped in despair and I had that final smile of hopelessness. I inhaled a lot of air, took some time to recover and told, "there's a proverb that says that no one is perfect and since I'm no one to you, I'm probably perfect to you. What say you?"

She was at the top most height of frustration after hearing that. She didn't wanna face me anymore. She started walking away. I followed. She shouted, "this is why I hate you. You're an idiot. You never understand me. You can never do it. You're in your own world. You can't come back to the reality. You are...." I knew she was out of her words to scold me anymore.

She stopped, turned towards me and continued, "you're... I don't know whom you're. I don't care about that. You had spoilt all my happiness and you're responsible for every worry in my life. Why don't you let me live happily? You can never make me happy. YOU CAN NOT. Please let me live peacefully. Please. You had done enough and I could not bare you anymore."

I could not act anymore. Tears were already on my cheeks. I heart started beating heavily that I could not walk anymore. I stood there still hoping she would turn back at least once to give a last look, but she moved away fast and never turned back.

People crossed me, bikes and cars moved on the road. Everything passed so soon and I stood there hoping she would come back.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Is it love that is between us?

How would I describe how much I had missed you!

People say they started liking their someone seeing their heart, activities, character, personality etc. But it's all about beauty that creates the first impression, isn't it? Your face, wow! I'm too weak in vocabulary if you ask me to describe how beautiful your face is.

Your color did the trick, especially the moments before the twilight that was all needed to take me down. My brain relaxes, pauses all the conscious thoughts and shuts down all the negative thoughts when I look at you. I'm sometimes addicted to you. Is this called love? Does love have any set of rules and tests, which when satisfied confirm its presence?

Perhaps it needs that heart to heart connection to prove love. You make me happy, refreshed and energetic, but at times you behave like you don't have an heart(actually all the time).

Lovers say that they can't like without each other and they make each other more lively. I would rather say that I am still living because of you and I'm nothing without your presence. Your presence had always made me lively and lovely. I hope you still remember the long days we had spent together in Chennai. I miss that very much in Bangalore.

More than everything it's the attraction over each other, which would be like the perfect proof for love. They even say they keep going around each other. You know that there's a strong attraction between us, if you had ever read the Newton's law of universal gravity. I'm literally revolving you without a break due to our attraction, Sun.

It's not love, I know, but there's a stronger bonding between us than love. I thank you for everything. I salute and respect you for your generosity. You're a lively form of God to me. So even if I say that I love you, it wouldn't be wrong.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Why AB deVilliers is the Tendulkar of the current era...

Undoubtedly AB is the number one batsman of the current era. But is batting the only reason why Sachin is a great player? The following are the few important reasons which AB deVilliers muchh similar to Sachin Tendulkar:

Protagonist in his era

AB is a protagonist of this era. He redefines the laws and ways by which the game has to be handled. He's the most innovative cricketer of the current generation. The first thing that has distinguished Tendulkar from other batsmen during his early stages was his ability to strike the ball despite simply saving his wickets. He was a protagonist during his initial days.


AB plays all formats of the game quite well and maintains an equal balance across the formats. He does what is necessary for the game. Of course, he is a brilliant allrounder. This is another quality of Sachin Tendulkar, who still holds the record for most runs in both ODI and Test matches.

AB is the most versatile cricket player ever. He can score 33 runs from 220 balls to save a Test match while he can also score 100 runs from 31 balls to win an ODI match. His versatility can be compared with Sachin's strike rate difference in ODIs and Tests.
One more type of versatility that both the players possess is the ability to play according to the field set. They both can play big shots, but at the same time they can run fast between the wickets. A combination of which is a disaster to the opponent captain's field setting.

Ability to score hundreds

More than everything, Sachin is known to the world for the number of centuries he had scored across all formats. AB is quite similar to Sachin in this and scores a century at least once in ten innings(it is around 8 or 9 for both players). AB has retained the same and currently scored 45 international centuries across all formats.

The Love

The winning chance of opposition is very low when he's still batting. After his dismissal the opposition gets a better chance of winning. It is like those days, when people switched off the TV whenever Sachin got out.
His calmness and smile speak louder than his skills. He entertains the people and takes the game sportively. It makes him loved by people across the world even if he plays against their own team.
More than everything, people don't hate him when he fails. They simply cry with him. The semi-final of 2015 World Cup proved this fact to be true. When South Africa, lost that thriller, tears shed from AB, seeing which almost every cricket fan would have cried with him. How many had we seen people crying when Sachin fails? Take the example of 2003 World Cup final.

AB is the most loved cricketer not only in his own country, but also around the world. Almost all the people who follow at least one form of cricket is definitely a fan of him, just like all cricket loving people love Sachin.

Friday, September 16, 2016

May Cauvery bless us with Peace

I believed nightmares were the ones that disturb us during the dreams, but they had no connection with the reality. I believed World War III would never happen, because people had developed some intelligence to think about the aftermath of such an event. I truly believed people had evolved from being barbarians and turned out into sensible living creatures.

All these believes of mine are broken today seeing the people's reaction to the Cauvery issue on the social networking sites spreading hatred over each other. Personal attacks, burning of buses, fear of speaking a language and what more are we gonna see in the near future? We literally treat each others as aliens, who have come to destroy the native people.

If Tamil is the mother of all South Indian languages and the other languages are derived from it (as the people claim so), then the whole South India should have descended from the same ancestors and hence there is no possible sense in calling the other language people to be belonging to different race (inam as mentioned by Tamil people, eg. Tamil inam, Kannada inam, Malayala inam etc.). What sense does it make when people say Tamil race taught civilization to other south Indian states when all the south Indian states are said to be evolved from the ancient Tamil race?

Violence should never be accepted. At the same time, the use of words like Kannadigas, Tamilians etc. should be avoided when we are referring to the rogues. If violence is not happening at a place, it does not mean that the people at that place are cowards. It simply means that the government is stable there. We do not need anyone from any state to tell the other state's government to protect the their people. It is the duty of the Government to do it. If it is not happening, there is something wrong with the Government.

Following the riots, police took charge and 4 people were injured severely, of whom 2 were already dead and 2 are recovering after being shot. It is said that one of the dead people was innocent and walking back from his work. For whose good are we fighting?

That might not be the right question. Whom are we fighting at? It is not even a month since we had celebrated the Independence Day, when India was our only concern and the issues between the states did not matter.

We had just proved that just a few senseless people can make us all go mad and fight against each other. We blamed a lot on invasions and deterioration of Indian culture due to Western influence. The enemies are not outside people. our enemies are inside everyone of us. We should defeat that enemy first and show the strength to the world.

This news made the outside world believe that India is not a safe country for humans. Doesn't that strike every cell of our heart hard? When we fight within ourselves, soon the Westerners will intervene in our problems and we all know how worse it will be to our country.

Let us all think for a while on getting a permanent solution for this through the Courts and Constitution for the benefits of the future generations. May peace persist ever after.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Why don't we all take a complete leave?

Thoughts, pressures, tension, stress and every mood altering factor is in leave today in accordance with the Bharath Bandh. Or is it because of the traffic less roads, the cool breeze and the reduced noise level in the city?

After a long time I realised my earphones produce wonderful sound, the music player in my phone is working so properly and the quality of music I have is very good as I could hear every small note of music distinctly which did wonders to my brain. Did we just lose every comfort in the name of luxury?

Though many sectors got affected due to this Bandh, it was beneficial to people as it was the dream day for all hardworking employees. Wasn't this what we had always craved for? A peaceful day, free roads, sound of wind, no rush, no run, no pressure, no million hour wait in the signals, no horn sounds, uncrowded buses etc. Will we able to get it on a regular day?

Movies, books and media in the recent years talk a lot about giving up the boring works and going for doing what we like, but they are more focused on a world tour. When this recent trend is growing strong do we actually need a Bandh to live our dream life? Instead why don't we all cooperate on a day and take a mass leave, not against any government, not to express our thoughts, but just to live a stress free life just for one day?

Perhaps we should take the extra step of giving a leave for nonrenewable energy. No fuel, no internet, no electricity, wouldn't that be a day we would love to have, a day without any external disturbance?

Taking the analogy of our body, every organ of our body needs some rest. We give a complete rest when we sleep except for the involuntary actions. Same thing applies to the city life. We can give a complete leave to every work and the involuntary actions here would be done by the nature. We have become too busy that we don't realise that trees, winds etc are regularly taking care of our involuntary actions.

Machines and humans alone can not run a system. We always need the help of nature to complete the gaps in the system.

May be then peace and unpolluted life would not be a luxury which only the elite individual house holders can enjoy. There would be an equality among people.

Let's all think about the possibility of this complete leave.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Peace persists

Wars, crimes, possessions, pride, jealousy, greed and everything else have always been the problem of mankind. Men have come men have gone. Men give rise to problems, the problems that makes those men the villains of the society. People, who accept the problems become slaves. People who fight against the problems become heroes and even Gods.

Problems have always existed and problems will always exist. Heroes, villains, demons, Gods, slaves and everyone else will keep existing as long as there are problems. Evolution will never put an end to any of the above mentioned ever existing terms, though it makes them change their forms regularly.

There was never a regular pattern for why problems emerge. There was never a stereotype heroes or villains. At a point of time the people who created panic in the world were villains and heroes’ role was to destroy the panic by spreading peace. As people evolved, noise had become a culture at another point of time and the people who wanted to destroy the noise by mass destruction or dictatorship became the villains. The heroes then were the people who waged war to save the freedom of the people. The cause has never been the same and history has never supported one particular cause.

Democracy, which supports the freedom of the people is favored in many places, but when the freedom affects the weaker people, strict dictatorship, which supports the discipline of the people is favored. When dictators are the heroes, the freedom seekers are the villains. When democratic people are there heroes, discipline seekers are the villains. The heroes have always switched the sides between uniformity and individuality.

Science is an equilibrium altering factor. People had fought for technology, people fought against the technology and people fought with the technology. Science is one example to prove the fact that heros, villains, slaves, causes and effects had never taken a side. Problems and solutions had always been there, so were there the players, but the players keep changing the sides and roles in order to bring out an equilibrium into the system.

Everything evolves in the world and so do problems. As the problems evolve, their solutions also evolve. Problems have always been altering the peace. Nothing could yet make a stable system, but still there has always been peace persisting in between all our problems. The world is always moving towards peace. When there is a disturbance to this equilibrium, the world creates two sides to neutralize the inequality and bring back the equilibrium.

It is more of a dynamic equilibrium that the nature of the world follows. Problems are always existing in different forms in different regions, but the same problems act as the solutions in different regions. The one message it keeps telling is,

“People and problems are temporary, but peace is permanent”

May peace persist.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Why so serious about Sindhu?

Why is everyone excited about Sindhu now? Is it an achievement to lose in the final? Is silver our final aim? Haven't we achieved anything better in any other sport? Is everything because she is a girl? Is she the only sports woman in the world? Is she the best sports person in India? Is she the only Indian to win a medal? Or is she at least the first to win a medal in the current Olympics?

Perhaps we had waited so long for a medal that when we saw someone winning the semi finals, it has created that hype. We were hopeless about winning a medal two days ago before Sakshi Malik finally got a medal for us. We had literally given up on the Olympics and went back to interesting events, where we could see our favorites winning. This hope of winning a medal was broken down when the most expected Dipa Karmakar couldn't manage to register her name in the top three. We were contended about ourselves in the belief that contending in the Olympics and giving our best was the greatest achievement for India and winning a dream was an too much more than our capacity thanks to the poor infrastructure and encouragement in our system.

The lost hope was never lost again when somewhere we heard that India had got hold of its first medal as Sakshi Malik won a bronze in wrestling. That would have been celebrated as our best achievement in this Olympic if the news about Sindhu qualifying to semifinals had reached us a few days later. The lost touch of expectations had just resumed.

Sindhu was not that peaceful dwarf whom we had always imagined when we thought of a badminton player owing to the personalities from China. She was almost six foot, which surprised our psychology internally. Seeing her we Kind got a feeling that she could do more than a bronze for us.

With not much of enthusiasm, expectation and excitement, we took glances of her play in the semifinal initially. Whenever she scored a point, her energy went high with an aggressive celebration to show the world that she owned the point. It came to the surprise of Indian fans who would have imagined a peaceful girl when they had heard the name Sindhu, from South India and moreover a badminton player. That aggression boosted us.

If it was all about attitude and nothing special about the performance, the expectation would have come down at the beginning, but Sindhu's performance was equally terrifying and she simply smashed her Japanese opponent winning two straight sets to enter into the final. The tremor in the opponent's body made Sindhu look like a daredevil from an alternate universe.

And yes. She had lost the finals after a successful first set, but not too many times had I seen live updates of badminton score on social media by not only the press, but also the common unfrequent Facebook users, who hardly post anything on Facebook. It was stunning when I saw too many people going live on Facebook uploading the badminton video. There hadn't been even a few times a badminton match was trending when there was a cricket match going live. 

Sindhu had seriously made India follow the Olympics. People like her would the reason for the development of other sports in India, because more than achievements emotions matter more for us. 

Sindhu is the new icon of India and she represents the capability of India.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Lovely Day

The"Blue sky, grey shaded clouds with crimson edges, setting sun creating a color spectrum in the horizon, trees adding flavors of green embedded with variant colors of flowers, the air is clean after the mild drizzle minutes ago, there is something special about the day", I said for the third time seeing the vibrancy of the day scene. "It's all because you had fallen in love", is what most people would have replied to that statement in the recent past. But the reply came from my friend was quite odd. He said, "It's all in the eyes of the viewer, nothing special about nature today. It's the same everyday".
For a moment I felt he had no sense of colors that he didn't admire what I could admire. It had been a long time since I had seen such a sight. The same would have been with his case, staying and working in a busy building covered region, where there was hardly any space for sky to fill in the sight. "Why are people like him not realising the beauty of nature? Are they so fancied by technology and any scrappers that nature has become so boring to them?", thoughts kept my mind busy and gradually the sun set down.
It was dark and I started missing the lovely day that existed a few minutes before then. The vibrant view was gone and suddenly I started hating the day. Perhaps, the environment influenced a lot on my feelings. "I wish we reach Tirunelveli soon because everything looks dull now", I said to that friend as we were on a journey. His reply was even surprising this time.
He said, "It's all in the eyes of the viewer, nothing wrong about the day. It's the same everyday". I tried to explain him how beautiful the day was moments ago and how it transformed too ordinary and unpleasant with darkness filling everywhere and everything looking blank. He repeated his dialog like a broken tape recorder. Was I sitting with Buddha? Or perhaps the Buddha inside him would have come out trying to explain me, "beauty and ugliness are inseparable and they coexist, but the filter in the eyes which acts corresponding the mood of the mind creates the illusion of beauty and ugliness".
It had always disturbed my mind whenever someone defied my theories and happened at that moment. I tried to keep off all the thoughts away and looked at what was outside which scared me and made me hate it without even knowing what it was. It was still dark except for the tree leaves which shined in the moonlight. The silver colour of the leaves haunted me. It was visualising another form of reality.
The scene had no distinguishable colours, except for the shades of grey created by the shadows. There was an uniformity in it. Everything looked alike instead of the variance at the day time (which had shown the uniqueness of everything). As I started looking deeper, I realised that trees which looked almost out same height were situated at different depths. The scene became beautiful suddenly.
The mild moonlight making a layer of static shadows and a second layer of dynamic shadows created by the light from inside the train filled the varying depths of the outside. The light was dancing synced with the train sound. The lights of the train went off gradually and there was only the moonlight was left outside making the entire scene look like a monochrome picture. Wow!
Perhaps the Buddha voice from my friend was right. It opened up a few more thoughts. "Everything in the world can be explained from this day's experience. Perhaps even the distinction between all communities can be understood.
The day light characterising uniqueness of everything, making the colours vibrant, giving a visual treat to the eyes represents the religion which says God is present in different forms and depicts the work and skill distribution among different living beings. In this religion every person has a unique role to play. Nothing can replace anything in this religion.
The uniformity of the night making the colours disappear and the heights equal, shows the religion with discipline and equality, which says God takes no form. All are equal in this religion and there's no distinction between any two individuals. Anybody can any work and nobody is unique to be non replaceable for a specific role.
Or the third view saying everything originates from inside our mind and can be altered by mastering the mind, which in turn takes us to the rational belief. It concerns more on free will and does not believe in anything without examining it.
We all see the same scenes, we like one scene and hate the other based on what we tend to believe from our experience. Or there could be an experience which could have taught as all scenes are beautiful. Or that which makes us believe everything is an illusion.
Unity can be achieved only when we realise the fact that we all see the same, but from different viewpoints"
At the end of the day, it was a lovely day, one LOVELY DAY.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

What purpose does today's protests serve?

Following "Kiss of Love" and "Support Porn", there will be "Drinking is my birthright" slogan soon, if government abolishes liquor from the state, because drinking is a way to maintain a social status and more of a habit to students today.

Everything is right about protests supporting liquor ban in Tamil Nadu. But what people forget again and again is that government is not an alien body (which came from cosmos), but it is the people. There is no meaning in taking violence as a weapon against the government, because it is like a suicide. 

Attacking government attacks the common people. I do not know why all these parties were so silent in the past. Many politicians protesting are also great drinkers.

One great help these protesters can do is to inspire people around them to avoid drinking.They are instead breaking the liquor shops. The problem is not somewhere else, it is not with the shops. It is with the people around us. 

Students always suffer whenever there is such an issue. One group fight for abolishing liquor shops in the state and go to jail. If it becomes a success, other group will fight against the ban, because it is affecting their right to freedom of drinking.

One thing the parties have learnt so well from the Great Britain is "divide and rule policy". Only till we all are fighting can politicians make their stand and pretend to be helping us and making us believe we cannot live in peace without these politicians.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Just One Tea

"Tea is bitter". Oh! So sad that English has done injustice to the feelings of almost 2 billion people who drink tea regularly. Or may be that English does not have the right word to mean the taste of tea (not even the taste of one variety of tea).

Drive, is the word that comes to my mind when I sense (with one or more sense organs) the proximity of tea near me, because drive is what tea does to me. Tea is the catalyst for my mental reactions. It drives away the stress and brings in a new energy, simply cleaning up the brain junk. In other way it drives the stream of thoughts to a higher speed.

There is an interconnected roadways through which the various memory regions of my brain are connected. Mood outs, heart breaks, tiring works, disappointment, anxiety and many more damages the roads quite often and the signals are lost, and the paths look untraceable. Then comes tea to repair the damage. It dissolves the road blocks and precipitates them in the gaps to form bridges. Then that invincible feel resumes. Wow!

Modern Buddha philosophy to reduce anxiety says, "Take a moment and have a tea". Drinking tea makes the drinker cool; it gives mental stability and creates peace of mind; it keeps the drinker off negative thoughts; it minimizes the effects of anger, revenge and sorrow does to one's mind. Tea is hence the new symbol of peace. That justifies why Dalai Lama says, "the world is moving towards peace" because tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, first being water.

It is  not wrong to say, a human is reborn every time he consumes tea. Fresh thoughts, refined thoughts make the person feel alive and feel brisk, just like a reboot to the computer after opening multiple applications at once.

Tea fits almost everyone because it comes in multiple flavors, with wide variety of configurations, specifications, additional components and personal taste features. A person's personality is reflected in the flavor of tea, he drinks. Psychologists could actually use tea habit as a criteria to figure out the personality of a consumer.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Four Types of Manager - Girlfriend Analogy

Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in this content are not referring to any real life person directly or indirectly. So I request you to not take this personally and avenge on me in the future.

It has become a trend today commenting on managers here and there at tea breaks, shopping, phone, family get together, social media etc, just because that is the only way the employees can take revenge on their manager as doing the same with manager's knowledge would lead to self-planned misfortune. Thinking about whom else people comment so regularly in a group conversation,  the second or sometimes the first person to be commented would be their girlfriends, lovers, wives, 'just friends', besties or whatever they call that closely associated people. When we go deeper, we understand that the most commented person and the second most have something in common that it often looks like they both behave in the similar way with their employees or boyfriends.

There are different types of managers whose behavior can be mapped one-to-one with types of girlfriends. These different types are classified into four distinct behavioral types as explained below:

1. Nagging Type

These types of managers are the most common types of managers. They simply want their employee's presence with them. It is more of a kind of infatuation towards their employee. They make their employee's place just near them so that the employee will be in their vicinity at almost all the time. Even if the manager has a separate cabin for him, we often hear, "come to my cabin" from him/her. They hate their employee's absence. They never approve leaves and not even allow them to take breaks. The employee literally feels to say, "Sir! I signed just the job agreement with you and not the marriage agreement". Whenever the manager wants a work to be done, he/she simply says, "Can't you even do this? Then why the hell are you still with me? I have expected a lot from you. But you keep disappointing me" Now we understand the person from whom we had actually heard a similar statement.

2. Possessive Type

We all know the stories of possessive girlfriends, but possessive behavior of managers is a consistently evolving in the corporate world. These types of managers do not go in the vicinity of their employees unless someone else talks with the employees. They just do not like their employee to like someone else. In this type, there are two sub-categories: the first type of managers burden their employee with a lot of work when they find their employee smiling at someone else to show their dominance control over the employee and the second type in which the managers tend to be goodies and try to show care on their employee or simply crack an irrelevant joke just to show that they like their employee more than the other person. If they have nothing to talk about, they simply ask about the works that had already been done, the works to be done on August, 28, 2046, a feedback about them or at extreme situations they yell at the employee for something wrong with some other employee at some other period of time.

3. IDC Type

We do not often get to see this type of managers, though exist among us. These type of managers are the direct descendants of Karnaugh, because they just DON'T CARE. The people who do not know who is Karnaugh, may click on the link:

They don't care with who their employee is, for how much time, at what place, how frequently, for which purpose etc. They mind their business and never interferes in their employee's business. They go with whomever they like, they work on whatever they choose, they simply do whatever they want and let their employees do the same on their side, but often states that they both are committed. There is absolutely nothing more between them except the word commitment and occasional meetings.

4. One Side Love Type

This is the weirdest type of managerial behavior an employee could ever see. These managers behave like the employee's ex-lover or the girl who never cares about the existence of a boy. They do exist in between the other types. When an employee tries to meet his/ her manager, the manager simply finds a reason to avoid the talks with the employee. These managers always have a reason to be busy and they never let their employees come inside their vicinity. The most common response when an employee comes to them is, "I am busy right now, we shall talk over this some other time. I'll ping you when I am free". The employee finds this type managers always offline. If the employee pings the manager when he/she comes online, the manager goes offline immediately. The next time the employee might expect a reply from the manager something like, "I have a boyfriend" or the manager may even permanently block the employee.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

First train experience from Bangalore to Tirunelveli

It happened every time. I never had an idea why.

I had tried many times to book a train ticket to home (using friend's irctc account as I did not have one). Almost all the time the website showed me a waiting in 200+.

For a change i booked a ticket on Tuesday. Oh God! The ticket just got confirmed. But that was just the beginning.

Leave approval, work completion, packing, tats bye from office etc passed within the blink of an eye.

As I had already planned, I walked that 5 km to reach the nearby station to get a train to the main station from where I had to take another train to home.

Just another blink. Tea, ticket collection, photos, train arrival, crossing and arrival at main station passed by.

First time after many years I was half an hour early to the station and for the 836471927483610274910174th time the train came half an hour late.

I boarded the train and just remembered which seat i booked. Time passed for a moment to let me recollect that incident.

I would travel alone and it was preferable to book a side lower seat so that I could watch through the window and go all the way. Eventually I got a side lower seat on the booking time.

Time resumed. “7,15,23 and there you go 31”, finally I found the seat. But as it had always happened to the bachelors traveling alone, there was a middle-aged woman on my seat.

I prayed God that she won't ask me to shift to an upper berth, which if happened, would not have made me sadder like now (but it would have anyways made me sad).

She didn't ask me to shift to an upper berth instead she asked me to move a few compartments away to take an ordinary lower berth (the three seat lower berth), which I would not even have the freedom to sit for a while.

All I could do was just to wait for the middle seat man to come and help him lift his berth up so that we both could sleep compressed.

- Zopher

Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Broader Image of Swathi's Murder

Just saw the images of the girl who was killed at Chennai. The last time I saw an image like this, it was from the movie SAW. At least Jigsaw (John Kramer) was not a bad man.

"Everyone deserves a chance to live", was one of his main principles. 

Note: You may search on Google to know more about the incidents. If you don't know what's Saw movie, click the Wikipedia link below:
I don't care what media, government, whomsoever is thinking. The friends and acquaintances of the killer. You know who he is. Still you try to support him.

What do to? After all we are just selfish humans.

And news says, it's a fight for love. Great! That's what people do to show their love. Heavenly love to send lover to heaven.
The only blame the male community use to justify such incidents is betrayal by women. Sometimes I feel it's always the fault of guys. Taking movies as an example, not the ordinary commercial incredible movies, but the ones which people have accepted as closer to reality movies, such as Minnale or Vinnaithandi Varuvaya, do they actually cause such incidents?

In Minnale, the lead character actually tries to impress someone who is already engaged to someone. Isn't it betrayal to the engaged man? So isn't it right for him to kill her for he she leaves him for the lead role?

Or in Vinnaithandi Varuvaya, from the beginning of the movie hero knows that heroin is on the side of her parents, but he still tries to convince her demanding her to leave her parents for him. What sense does it make?

So it's almost always men who try to possess a girl even if she is reluctant to this. OK. There could be a possible fault on the women's side too. But then why should there even a concept of love when you blame the whole female community for betrayals?

If a girl leaves the first person for a second person and if it is called a mistake of that girl, then why don't the second person betray another male by trying to separate her from the first person? Why can't he simply say, “you're in love with another man. I can't betray that man. So I won't come close to you even if you had any intention”. In reality we know that men always try to possess a girl no matter what her relationship status is.

Have we missed something that all these are happening? Did we actually forget peace? Did we forget to teach the generation to not try possessing things that don't belong to them?

In the process of making their children rich, family forgot to teach them morals. I'm there process of making their students as toppers, schools forgot to teach them morals. In the process of making money, society and workplaces forgot to teach them morals. So there should be some space where this can be fixed, but left loose this may cause serious issues in the coming days.

- Zopher