Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Peace persists

Wars, crimes, possessions, pride, jealousy, greed and everything else have always been the problem of mankind. Men have come men have gone. Men give rise to problems, the problems that makes those men the villains of the society. People, who accept the problems become slaves. People who fight against the problems become heroes and even Gods.

Problems have always existed and problems will always exist. Heroes, villains, demons, Gods, slaves and everyone else will keep existing as long as there are problems. Evolution will never put an end to any of the above mentioned ever existing terms, though it makes them change their forms regularly.

There was never a regular pattern for why problems emerge. There was never a stereotype heroes or villains. At a point of time the people who created panic in the world were villains and heroes’ role was to destroy the panic by spreading peace. As people evolved, noise had become a culture at another point of time and the people who wanted to destroy the noise by mass destruction or dictatorship became the villains. The heroes then were the people who waged war to save the freedom of the people. The cause has never been the same and history has never supported one particular cause.

Democracy, which supports the freedom of the people is favored in many places, but when the freedom affects the weaker people, strict dictatorship, which supports the discipline of the people is favored. When dictators are the heroes, the freedom seekers are the villains. When democratic people are there heroes, discipline seekers are the villains. The heroes have always switched the sides between uniformity and individuality.

Science is an equilibrium altering factor. People had fought for technology, people fought against the technology and people fought with the technology. Science is one example to prove the fact that heros, villains, slaves, causes and effects had never taken a side. Problems and solutions had always been there, so were there the players, but the players keep changing the sides and roles in order to bring out an equilibrium into the system.

Everything evolves in the world and so do problems. As the problems evolve, their solutions also evolve. Problems have always been altering the peace. Nothing could yet make a stable system, but still there has always been peace persisting in between all our problems. The world is always moving towards peace. When there is a disturbance to this equilibrium, the world creates two sides to neutralize the inequality and bring back the equilibrium.

It is more of a dynamic equilibrium that the nature of the world follows. Problems are always existing in different forms in different regions, but the same problems act as the solutions in different regions. The one message it keeps telling is,

“People and problems are temporary, but peace is permanent”

May peace persist.

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