Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Scene 269: Time is strange

Sun was setting and the twilight sky was shining like hot fire. The breeze felt like it was pulling them towards the sunset. Ashok was looking deep into the sky and lost in his thoughts. Abinaya turned at him and wondered what he was thinking. She turned towards the sky and tried to find what was grasping Ashok's attention.

Ashok received the signal somehow and came back to consciousness. He looked at her. Her brown skin was glowing like gold due to the sunshine. When Abinaya noticed it and started to blush. She asked, "What do you find strange in my face today?".

He took a breath and said, "Your face shines like gold due to the sunshine". He thought about something and continued, "No. I mean the skin. No. Your....". He went out of words. He moved his hand as a reaction to his mind looking for words. She waited patiently for him to complete.

After a while, he said, "You understand what I'm trying to say, right?". She nodded her head and started to wonder how she had fallen in love with such an absent minded human. She remembered her first meeting with him. She smiled broadly thinking how awkward he was and how she thought that she would never meet him again.

He was embarassed a bit because he couldn't get the right words to explain what was in his mind. He wanted to say that she was beautiful. He wanted to make a sentence with the most exceptional words so that she would feel special about it. His rationality was blocking his imaginations. He was in a self-contradicting loop. He couldn't face her.

She saw him spiralling. So she touched his shoulders to soothe him. His mind and body started to calm down. He slowly relaxed. He adjusted his posture and sat comfortably. A smile blossomed in his face out of nowhere.

He turned towards her and said, "Time is really weird. We don't know what is gonna happen the next moment". She looked into his eyes and tried to understand in which context he was saying it. Her look became deeper but she couldn't understand what he was trying to say. She said, "I don't know so much about time. I believe it is weird only because you say so. At some time, we feel sad, at other times we feel happy. Ya, time could be weird".

He smiled and gazed at the twilight sky again. She looked at him again. She continued, "Time confuses me as much as it confuses you. I don't have an understanding of time as much as you have. I cherish the happy moments in life. Like January 21st, your birthday. It is a special day to me".

He looked at her and smiled sarcastically. She stared at his eyes again. She was waiting for him to start talking. He couldn't stop smiling. She said, "What is it? Speak out".

He said, "Nothing wrong. Time has totally different meaning to different people. More than that, understanding of the nature is really different for different people". She said, "I am not here to listen to your philosophies right now. Lets talk something else. Tell me which day is special in your life. No, wait. I will ask in the words that you understand. Tell me the particular orientation of celestial bodies, which are special to you".

He said, "Hmm. Thats an interesting question". He looked away from her into the garden, into the sky and into everything around him to get an answer to her question. She was getting eager. She moved close to him. She held his hand tight. He looked at her hand. He thought for a while and said, "Today is special to me".

Her face shrunk in a shock. Her hand loosened a bit. She said, "Oh! Wait. Let me guess. Today is April 24. Not your birthday; not mine either; neither our first meeting; nor related your parents. It is not easy to find but I am not not gonna give up". She released his hands and took her phone from her handbag. He was keenly observing her actions.

She googled what was special about April 24. After a while, she continued, "Ha! I found it out. It is the birthday of Sachin Tendulkar. How mean you are! I thought you would tell my birthday".

He started to laugh. She gently hit him and said, "Stop it. I am angry. Try to console me". She wanted to say it rudely but she couldn't control her smile while saying that.

He hugged her from the side and released her. She said, "Don't do all this and expect my anger to go down. It is never gonna happen". She turned away from him and released her laugh and hoped that he wouldn't notice it.

He said, "Units of dates is approximated really bad. For example, there is a leap year in every four years to compensate for the extra quarter day that is not accounted in the 365 days of each year. But still this is just an approximation. Also, what defines the beginning of a day is time. Most people believe that it is the time taken for Earth to complete one rotation but it is not exactly that. 24 hours is just an approximation of a day. So we can't really be sure about the time or date, in which things had happened to celebrate it whenever the particular instance of time repeats".

She said, "You might say that. But we have standardised our calendars and clocks throughout the world. So you could refer to that context and say that things happened on a day can be rememebered on the same day in all the future years".

He said, "First of all the world doesn't run synchronous time. We have a difference in time zone. Lets say, Rajini's next movie releases on April 30 throughout the world and the first show is at 4 AM. The movie releases 3 and a half hours before us in Japan, so a fan can record it and upload it on internet even before the movie is released in India. Also, when I used to be a child we used to watch cricket score in news channels. If a match happens in West Indies on April 24th at evening, we would see the score of it at early morning (probably 2 AM) of 25th. We would have to wait for 26th morning newspapers to read about what has actually happened in the match. So the standard definition of time is misleading".

He has completely lost her attention at this moment. She was happy that he was not getting philosophical but she could sense that he was going over her head already. Yet she didn't wanna stop him. It felt like she watch him talk gibberish forever. She reacted to his sentences as if she had understood everything that he was trying to say.

He kept going, "You could argue that things happening in a small region can be celebrated using the approximations of time that they can be remembered when the particular time configuration repeats itself the next year. But again, it has no relationship with cosmic bodies. For example, if you are going on a car race, you would be interested to celebrate whenever one lap is completed. If the standardisation of a lap is not appropriate, then you would be celebrating for reaching some random points in the lap than the end line of the circuit. Even worse than that is the fact that Sun is also moving around the galaxy, which means all possible orientations of Earth and Sun with respect to the galaxy don't repeat for millions of years. Every moment in space is brand new.

If you are still considering the standardised units of time, mathematically any two numbers can be related using multiple relationships. Now tell me when did we first meet".
She felt relieved that she could finally understand one sentence of his whole speech. She smiled and said gently, "September 26th, how could I forget that day".

He said, "My watch is saying 5:41. Tell me the time on your watch". She looked at her watch and said, "It is 5:42". He said, "Now see. Both the times: 541 and 542 can be related to September 26, 269 by doing some elementary math operations".

He thought for a while and said, "Lets take 542. Lets reverse it. We get 245. 2 plus zero is 2, 4 plus 2 is 6, 5 plus 2 plus 2 is 9, which gives us 269. 0, 2, 4 form an arithmetic series. Now, Let us put 2 from 245, then add first and second number. It gives us 6. Then add second and third number. It gives us 9, 269. Similarly, if we reverse 541, we get 145. 1 plus 1 is 2, 4 plus 2 is 6, 5 plus 4 is 9, 269 and 1, 2, 4 form a geometric series. 5 minus 4 plus 1 is 2, 5 plus 1 is 6 and 14 - 5 is 9, 269 again.

There can be many such combinations that can be used to relate any number with every other number. So one cannot really choose a date or time that is much different or special from any other number.

We have met on September 26. It was a special moment to me. But I could use mathematical relationships and say that any particular moment is related to September 26th and call it to be equally special as September".

By this time, her face started to show the symptoms that she has lost the attention. So he stopped for a moment and said, "Every moment in time happens only once in this universe. It will not come again in the future. Look at this moment. I am with the person I love the most. I am looking at her face glowing in sunlight. I wish time would freeze at this moment, and I could be amazed by looking at your face forever. I know that is not gonna happen. So minimally I feel that this particular moment in time with you is the most special time in my life, which makes this day as a really special day to me."

She didn't utter a word. She kissed him on his cheek. She didn't get embarassed for her action in a public place, where people would be watching them. She stared at him for a long time. She wished that his wish would come true that she live that particular moment forever.

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