Sunday, March 31, 2019

You don't have to cook dear

The tired husband returned from office. Straightaway he told his wife and said, "You don't have to cook tonight".

He freshened up and went out. He finally returned home after four hours. He didn't notice his wife waiting for him, and went to sleep.

She woke him up and asked, "Where is the food". "It was at this hotel. We had a party too", he said and went back to sleep.

Then, she went back to kitchen with tears in her eyes. All her expectations about arranged marriage was broken on a single moment. Her hopes for a new life started to break like glass pieces in her world.

When she turned on the knob of gas, she heard a calling bell. She was so annoyed to receive a guest at midnight. Yet, she walked towards the door.

The took the towel and wiped out all the tears before opening the door. She saw a man dressed in orange T-shirt and cap. She turned on the outside light, and recognised that the guy was from Swiggy.

"Madam! Are you Kahul Raushik", he asked. She realised that the delivery was for the person in the opposite house. Her final hopes were also broken. She showed the direction to Kahul's house, and closed the door.

She scrambled, wept out for minutes. She almost lost her consciousness thinking about how hopeless her life had become. There was no love, no surprises, no care, no fun, no happiness and nothing positive. She was nothing more than a serving machine to her husband.

She finally came back to her consciousness when she heard her husband's voice. "Why are the lights on", he shouted. She took a deep breath and stood up. She had to bear with all hopelessness in life, but still couldn't resist to serve her husband.

When she turned towards the kitchen, the power went off. She screamed in fear. Her husband threw himself from the bed in shock and walked towards her.

"What happened", he asked. "It's dark and I'm afraid", she said. "You fool! This is India. We have power cuts all the time. You have to adjust with it", he said.

"Ok. Maybe next time I'll do as you say. This time, can you light the candle for me", she asked him. "As if there's a choice. I have to do all works. I have to work at office, and come back to work here. Meanwhile, you enjoy your life on my salary", he said and asked, "where's the candle".

"It's in the kitchen. There'll be cockroaches. Be careful", she said in a mild tone.

"Ya. You'll be afraid of everything. I've to talk with your parents tomorrow about you. They have failed to grow you as a good girl", he said and walked towards the kitchen.

"My parents! Ok. As you say my dear. I'll apologise to everyone tomorrow", she said.

He found the candle and lit the match stick. His time slowed down substantially. He could see that the fire from match stick was growing continuously as if the room was completely filled with burning fuel.

Then boom! The time was insignificant to fill the entire room with LPG, but still it was enough to create a flash fire, which ripped off most of his skin.

"Freedom", she said as she turned on the main switch. The glow of fire had reduced due to the lighting. She watched him suffer with the burning. She played loud music on TV, and enjoyed his pain with the BGM.

"Tomorrow I'll definitely apologise", she said and laughed louder and louder.

Moral: Why should men be all the psycho?

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