Saturday, May 20, 2017

Baahubali to be included in school syllabus after SC ordered NCERT to do so

History has been one of the favorite subjects for students ever since schools started. There has been many times when stories from history are taken as movies, but conversely this time, a movie is to be included in history textbooks for CBSE.

This move was initiated after SC ordered NCERT to do so, when an youth filed a case against the government for he had lost a job, just because watching Baahubali was not found in his resume. In the recent past, Baahubali had become the most popular subject of discussion among the youngsters. It literally became a pride for Indians to watch that movie. In fact, to prove the nationality of Indians, CBI has prepared test based on the knowledge about Baahubali movie.

In such a scenario, a poor youngster who had just returned from foreign attended an interview to find an engineering job in India. To the surprise of the youngster, the basic qualification included watching Baahubali. Without reading this information, the youngster attended the interview.

To his surprise the topic for Group Discussion given in the first round of the interview was "why Kattappa killed Baahubali". The moderators of the GD pointed out his inactivity and asked him to brief about his knowledge on the same topic. As the youngster did not answer convincingly, the moderators checked his resume, and found out that he did not possess the qualification of watching Baahubali.

After that he was sent out of the interview room with a black  mark on his records on account of fraudulent data. Humiliated by this awkward scene, the youngster filed a petition in SC against the government for not educating the students in the topic of Baahubali. A three member panel of judges were appointed to hear the case and based on the hearings, they had ordered NCERT to include Baahubali as a mandatory chapter in history books.

It is to be noted that a sports trainer from South Indian Sports Academy has filed a plea to include Baahubali movie clips in training sessions all around India to help students learn fencing, weight lifting, archery etc in a better way.

The honorable PM on the Mann ki Baat quoted about this incident and expressed his pride in innovating education. He also promised that by including Baahubali movie clips in sports schools, India would definitely win gold medals in all sports at the next Olympics.

Earlier there had been discussions for Facebook to introduce a "watched Baahubali" button on the timeline, which can be used by the people to notify all their friends about that achievement, but later the plan was cancelled due to a technical malfunction.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Scene 67: Moon and Star

Those dry days. I was unhappy almost every day. Then she finally me an appointment to meet her. It had been almost been an year since there was any deary day for us. Everyday was a rough day.

After a week of pleasing through messages, she finally agreed to meet me for half an hour. It was 7:25 and I was just 5 minutes away from meeting her. I looked at me again, that attire, which she would call as “disgusting”, the messy hair etc. added with the frustration, anger and impatience made the waiting time worse.

She finally arrived. She waved a bye to all her friends and walked towards me. I melted like cream on seeing her. I kept of all the emotions and kept cool with that natural smile.

On seeing me, her face darkened and she turned her face off me as she came closer. She sat near me. I said, “hi. How are you?” She turned towards me, but my disgusted again by my attire she turned away and told, “I have to leave at 8 sharp. Speak whatever you want till then.”

It kind of hurt, but still I managed to maintain the smile and said, “it's ok. Why are you so angry? Is it because of”. She stopped be right there and said, “look. Don't waste your time speaking all these. I'm not interested to speak anything with you. Who are you for me to get angry on you?”

Those words touched my ego. The ego fight continued. She looked away. I patiently kept looking at her hoping she would look back at me. Awkward silence…

After a long time, I realised that she was stubborn enough to not look at me the whole time, and drifted my eyes of her. The moon was shining on the sky. The sky was so clear and I could see the stars clearly.

She finally turned towards me and said, “fine minutes more. I thought you would use this opportunity wisely, but you seem to be filled with thoughts”. I kept staring at the sky and replied, “no. It's just a thought, that's disturbing. Would you like to hear?”. It had always been my thoughts that had made her like me. I knew that she would want to know what it was.

She replied, “as if you're gonna leave me, if I'm not interested. Please proceed…”

I brought back all the charm I could and started explaining her, “you see the moon and the star near it? They kind of look like you and me. You're that moon and I'm that star near it”. She got curious, but pretended to be uninterested and replied, “even if you praise me with all such imaginations, it won't change anything between us. You're still disgusting”.

It was my last chance to prove myself. I replied, “wait wait wait. Let me complete it first.” She got more curious and came even closer. I continued, “you see the moon? Is just a reflecting surface. It can't produce it's own light. It depends too much on sun. It orbits around Earth, which is orbiting around sun. But see the Star, it would possibly be larger than the sun, it produces it's own light and energy. But still people think moon is a greater object than the star. That's life.”

Trust me. I was the happiest man on the Earth at that moment, but she… Her face actually got reddened. That yelling sound came from mouth, “this is exactly why hate you.” I stopped her right there, smiled and said, “that's the fifth time you're using this phrase. Everything is for a different reason though. Tell me why exactly you hate me among those reasons.”

“Never ever try contacting me again. Get lost. It's over”, she shouted and moved off. “Ok. I'll call to tomorrow. Bye. Safe journey. Thanks for the extra ten minutes”, I shouted back with a smile as moved away from me. That smile remained and I kept watching her leave me. It was indeed a lovely day.