Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Peace persists

Wars, crimes, possessions, pride, jealousy, greed and everything else have always been the problem of mankind. Men have come men have gone. Men give rise to problems, the problems that makes those men the villains of the society. People, who accept the problems become slaves. People who fight against the problems become heroes and even Gods.

Problems have always existed and problems will always exist. Heroes, villains, demons, Gods, slaves and everyone else will keep existing as long as there are problems. Evolution will never put an end to any of the above mentioned ever existing terms, though it makes them change their forms regularly.

There was never a regular pattern for why problems emerge. There was never a stereotype heroes or villains. At a point of time the people who created panic in the world were villains and heroes’ role was to destroy the panic by spreading peace. As people evolved, noise had become a culture at another point of time and the people who wanted to destroy the noise by mass destruction or dictatorship became the villains. The heroes then were the people who waged war to save the freedom of the people. The cause has never been the same and history has never supported one particular cause.

Democracy, which supports the freedom of the people is favored in many places, but when the freedom affects the weaker people, strict dictatorship, which supports the discipline of the people is favored. When dictators are the heroes, the freedom seekers are the villains. When democratic people are there heroes, discipline seekers are the villains. The heroes have always switched the sides between uniformity and individuality.

Science is an equilibrium altering factor. People had fought for technology, people fought against the technology and people fought with the technology. Science is one example to prove the fact that heros, villains, slaves, causes and effects had never taken a side. Problems and solutions had always been there, so were there the players, but the players keep changing the sides and roles in order to bring out an equilibrium into the system.

Everything evolves in the world and so do problems. As the problems evolve, their solutions also evolve. Problems have always been altering the peace. Nothing could yet make a stable system, but still there has always been peace persisting in between all our problems. The world is always moving towards peace. When there is a disturbance to this equilibrium, the world creates two sides to neutralize the inequality and bring back the equilibrium.

It is more of a dynamic equilibrium that the nature of the world follows. Problems are always existing in different forms in different regions, but the same problems act as the solutions in different regions. The one message it keeps telling is,

“People and problems are temporary, but peace is permanent”

May peace persist.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Why so serious about Sindhu?

Why is everyone excited about Sindhu now? Is it an achievement to lose in the final? Is silver our final aim? Haven't we achieved anything better in any other sport? Is everything because she is a girl? Is she the only sports woman in the world? Is she the best sports person in India? Is she the only Indian to win a medal? Or is she at least the first to win a medal in the current Olympics?

Perhaps we had waited so long for a medal that when we saw someone winning the semi finals, it has created that hype. We were hopeless about winning a medal two days ago before Sakshi Malik finally got a medal for us. We had literally given up on the Olympics and went back to interesting events, where we could see our favorites winning. This hope of winning a medal was broken down when the most expected Dipa Karmakar couldn't manage to register her name in the top three. We were contended about ourselves in the belief that contending in the Olympics and giving our best was the greatest achievement for India and winning a dream was an too much more than our capacity thanks to the poor infrastructure and encouragement in our system.

The lost hope was never lost again when somewhere we heard that India had got hold of its first medal as Sakshi Malik won a bronze in wrestling. That would have been celebrated as our best achievement in this Olympic if the news about Sindhu qualifying to semifinals had reached us a few days later. The lost touch of expectations had just resumed.

Sindhu was not that peaceful dwarf whom we had always imagined when we thought of a badminton player owing to the personalities from China. She was almost six foot, which surprised our psychology internally. Seeing her we Kind got a feeling that she could do more than a bronze for us.

With not much of enthusiasm, expectation and excitement, we took glances of her play in the semifinal initially. Whenever she scored a point, her energy went high with an aggressive celebration to show the world that she owned the point. It came to the surprise of Indian fans who would have imagined a peaceful girl when they had heard the name Sindhu, from South India and moreover a badminton player. That aggression boosted us.

If it was all about attitude and nothing special about the performance, the expectation would have come down at the beginning, but Sindhu's performance was equally terrifying and she simply smashed her Japanese opponent winning two straight sets to enter into the final. The tremor in the opponent's body made Sindhu look like a daredevil from an alternate universe.

And yes. She had lost the finals after a successful first set, but not too many times had I seen live updates of badminton score on social media by not only the press, but also the common unfrequent Facebook users, who hardly post anything on Facebook. It was stunning when I saw too many people going live on Facebook uploading the badminton video. There hadn't been even a few times a badminton match was trending when there was a cricket match going live. 

Sindhu had seriously made India follow the Olympics. People like her would the reason for the development of other sports in India, because more than achievements emotions matter more for us. 

Sindhu is the new icon of India and she represents the capability of India.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Lovely Day

The"Blue sky, grey shaded clouds with crimson edges, setting sun creating a color spectrum in the horizon, trees adding flavors of green embedded with variant colors of flowers, the air is clean after the mild drizzle minutes ago, there is something special about the day", I said for the third time seeing the vibrancy of the day scene. "It's all because you had fallen in love", is what most people would have replied to that statement in the recent past. But the reply came from my friend was quite odd. He said, "It's all in the eyes of the viewer, nothing special about nature today. It's the same everyday".
For a moment I felt he had no sense of colors that he didn't admire what I could admire. It had been a long time since I had seen such a sight. The same would have been with his case, staying and working in a busy building covered region, where there was hardly any space for sky to fill in the sight. "Why are people like him not realising the beauty of nature? Are they so fancied by technology and any scrappers that nature has become so boring to them?", thoughts kept my mind busy and gradually the sun set down.
It was dark and I started missing the lovely day that existed a few minutes before then. The vibrant view was gone and suddenly I started hating the day. Perhaps, the environment influenced a lot on my feelings. "I wish we reach Tirunelveli soon because everything looks dull now", I said to that friend as we were on a journey. His reply was even surprising this time.
He said, "It's all in the eyes of the viewer, nothing wrong about the day. It's the same everyday". I tried to explain him how beautiful the day was moments ago and how it transformed too ordinary and unpleasant with darkness filling everywhere and everything looking blank. He repeated his dialog like a broken tape recorder. Was I sitting with Buddha? Or perhaps the Buddha inside him would have come out trying to explain me, "beauty and ugliness are inseparable and they coexist, but the filter in the eyes which acts corresponding the mood of the mind creates the illusion of beauty and ugliness".
It had always disturbed my mind whenever someone defied my theories and happened at that moment. I tried to keep off all the thoughts away and looked at what was outside which scared me and made me hate it without even knowing what it was. It was still dark except for the tree leaves which shined in the moonlight. The silver colour of the leaves haunted me. It was visualising another form of reality.
The scene had no distinguishable colours, except for the shades of grey created by the shadows. There was an uniformity in it. Everything looked alike instead of the variance at the day time (which had shown the uniqueness of everything). As I started looking deeper, I realised that trees which looked almost out same height were situated at different depths. The scene became beautiful suddenly.
The mild moonlight making a layer of static shadows and a second layer of dynamic shadows created by the light from inside the train filled the varying depths of the outside. The light was dancing synced with the train sound. The lights of the train went off gradually and there was only the moonlight was left outside making the entire scene look like a monochrome picture. Wow!
Perhaps the Buddha voice from my friend was right. It opened up a few more thoughts. "Everything in the world can be explained from this day's experience. Perhaps even the distinction between all communities can be understood.
The day light characterising uniqueness of everything, making the colours vibrant, giving a visual treat to the eyes represents the religion which says God is present in different forms and depicts the work and skill distribution among different living beings. In this religion every person has a unique role to play. Nothing can replace anything in this religion.
The uniformity of the night making the colours disappear and the heights equal, shows the religion with discipline and equality, which says God takes no form. All are equal in this religion and there's no distinction between any two individuals. Anybody can any work and nobody is unique to be non replaceable for a specific role.
Or the third view saying everything originates from inside our mind and can be altered by mastering the mind, which in turn takes us to the rational belief. It concerns more on free will and does not believe in anything without examining it.
We all see the same scenes, we like one scene and hate the other based on what we tend to believe from our experience. Or there could be an experience which could have taught as all scenes are beautiful. Or that which makes us believe everything is an illusion.
Unity can be achieved only when we realise the fact that we all see the same, but from different viewpoints"
At the end of the day, it was a lovely day, one LOVELY DAY.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

What purpose does today's protests serve?

Following "Kiss of Love" and "Support Porn", there will be "Drinking is my birthright" slogan soon, if government abolishes liquor from the state, because drinking is a way to maintain a social status and more of a habit to students today.

Everything is right about protests supporting liquor ban in Tamil Nadu. But what people forget again and again is that government is not an alien body (which came from cosmos), but it is the people. There is no meaning in taking violence as a weapon against the government, because it is like a suicide. 

Attacking government attacks the common people. I do not know why all these parties were so silent in the past. Many politicians protesting are also great drinkers.

One great help these protesters can do is to inspire people around them to avoid drinking.They are instead breaking the liquor shops. The problem is not somewhere else, it is not with the shops. It is with the people around us. 

Students always suffer whenever there is such an issue. One group fight for abolishing liquor shops in the state and go to jail. If it becomes a success, other group will fight against the ban, because it is affecting their right to freedom of drinking.

One thing the parties have learnt so well from the Great Britain is "divide and rule policy". Only till we all are fighting can politicians make their stand and pretend to be helping us and making us believe we cannot live in peace without these politicians.