Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The journey of a bloodless thing

What should I do? Where should I start? Can I say it's all because of love? Or is it because I'm superstitious? Could there be a religious influence in it? May be a disconnection from the earthly happiness. Perhaps the search for a better me.

Whatever would that be. All I could say now is that, “Yes. I've done it”, because this is possibly the second only achievement in my life. More than everything I've done it without anyone's aid.

It all began when I was watching the TV show Neeya Naana, which was featuring people, who were different in one or other way versus the conventional people. There was a girl with A. R. Rahman tattoo on her hand, who had a weird hairstyle. She was confident. She wanted to leave a message saying, “My happy is weird because, I donated my hair to Cancer institute. Something is not bad just because it's different. I'm the living example for that”.

It kind of moved me. I had recently got a comment from my friends that I was a boy with long hair. My hair was the longest among the boys group, in which I belonged though it was just touching my shirt's collar behind my neck.

So, I got this weird idea to donate my hair then. When I checked online, an NGO from Hyderabad laid down promos stating that they were willing to take hair donations, if the hair was at least 8 inches long.

That day, I didn't have the patience to grow the extra three inches that were required for donation. So, I had just cut it short as summer was approaching.

Days passed, months passed, seasons passed. At one point of time I had friendship, love, care, attention etc and all of a sudden betrayals and failures had started to pile up. Suddenly the life was surrounded by demotivation and extreme idleness.

I started to feel an urge to prove myself to the world, though it looks completely unnecessary today. I wanted to show that I could do things. I wanted to prove that I was a better human, or at least a kind human. There had been many friends in my life, who were attracted by me intellect and innocence. Suddenly there were a few people, who had believed that I was a kind human. I wanted to prove their point too.

So, gradually the conviction to take up a serious task had acquired my mind. I needed a supernatural support to take up such a task. I had then visited Tiruchendur Temple to gain the Lord's support by donating all the hair that I had to him. I made a promise to myself, to not seek anything from the Lord in return for my offering. And so, began the journey of hair.

That was the first time I had shaved my hair. The whole family and friends were surprised in seeing me. Also, there was a trust in their eyes. They kind of believed that I was capable taking the right decisions. They had still not known that I wouldn't visit a day saloon for the next two years. They didn't discover my thought for a few months from then.

Clean shave was really a great feeling. No stress about hair fall, no need for combing, and no many other stressful and time consuming works. Also, I had my dream hairstyle, Professor X from the X-Men.

As soon as my hair started to grow, I got transferred to Pune. The hot and shining summer was challenging, but the extra long shifts at office gave me enough comfort to grow the hair. I had a new hairstyle every two weeks.

When the hair grew more than average men, I was a source of attraction at my workplace. People started to notice me. I was no more an incognito human. It was the first time in my life that I was getting unusual attention everywhere. It also gave a lot of people an opportunity for a small talk, and hence my friend circle widened for the first time.

For a reserved and invisible person, it was really giving a high that everyday at the office, or at the dining room, or on the road, some new person, would notice and compliment me. Most of the times, I enjoyed it though it affected my private space a lot.

Once the hair touched my chin, hair had started to mess up with my life. It needed a lot of maintenance. I had learn, understand and choose a combination in between shampoo, conditioner, serum, gel, and oil in order to keep my hair in the right shape.

At one side, I was the coolest person due to the long hair. At the other side, I was messing up with my life completely. Exercise, study, hobbies, sleep patterns, food habits, and many more activities were modified keep my head cool and peaceful. For a cool hair style, we need a cool sacrifice. So, I was motivated enough to carry the hair as it was just 10 months since I had started to grow hair.

The fun side was exciting that the pain of maintenance was not even a problem to me during that phase.

And then the challenge. I fell sick of jaundice. It took me a week to diagnose the disease and by then, I had lost my appetite and had a severe nausea. After consulting with the doctor, I transported myself to Chennai to further continue the treatment.

The poor thing took the complete blame. A complete year of hard work started shatter in a matter of days. Relatives, neighbors and well-wishers had advised me he cut off my hair. I was almost convinced that hair was the reason behind all my sufferings, but I was still hoping that I could continue to carry it. It had started to stress me a lot.

Demotivation, and a sense of failure had already acquired my mind. I knew that if I had given up then, I would never have the force to fulfill the dream ever in life. So, I had let the doctor to decide whether I could continue to have my hair.

The doctor took no time to respond, “Why not? But wash it with cold water everyday and apply oil regularly. If you leave it like this, your body would start to heat”.

I was jumping to the sky when I head that. During the one month of disease, I had wanted to give up on my hair more than a hundred times. There was only one motivation that was pushing me. I knew that if I could do it, in the future when there would be demotivation, I could say to myself, “You had taken up a promise. You had suffered a deadly disease, but you had carried the promise. You had survived and recovered to be truthful to the promise. You could do anything in the universe”.

When I had recovered from the disease, I was super excited once again. I was totally enjoying the hair lying on my cheeks, the long wavy smooth hair, it was lovely.

By the time returned to Bangalore, the city had gone hotter than ever before. Sweat and dust made the path to success more challenging. I had wanted to give up on the hair ASAP. I had contacted many NGOs and most of them required a hair with a minimum length of 15 inches. When I had measured my hair in the month of January, it was just 8 to 10 inches long.

With increased hairfall, the hair growth had become slow. I used the time to research on the NGOs that were ready to take hair of length around 12 inches. It was in April that I had found that the Cancer institute at Adyar would take up hair directly.

And to my excitement they just for a length of 10 inches. By April, my average hair length was 11 inches. But before cutting down the hair, I had wanted to confirm with the oncology department at Cancer institute the details and procedure.

I was shocked to hear that Cancer institute had kept the hair donation on hold for the next four months. I felt like plugging my hair one by one and throwing it in the dustbin. Maintenance of hair was stressing me so badly. Thankfully I was raining enough to hold my conviction for a few more months.

To add more pain, I suddenly became a symbol of kindness among my well-wishers. Everyone pitied on me as if I was sacrificing my life for a cause. Showers of sympathy made me run away from people to find refuge in solitude.

I was like a sacrificial Yogi to them, which irritated me even more. I was hiding from the anger of the people, who had wanted my hair to be cut and the sympathy of the people, who liked at me like Jesus.

I had to grow arrogance to escape from everyone and establish my promise. The children started to run away from me. Some had even cried due to fear on seeing me. In my own eyes, I looked like Jesus normally, like Lord Shiva when Vibhuthi was applied, and many other divine characters. I tried Winter Soldier and Loki styles. Nothing really took off the fear from the watcher's eyes. I was a walking ghost as commented by many.

Heat of the summer was killing me from outside. The guilt of consuming more water to take bath while people were suffering from water crisis was burning me from inside.

Finally, I called up the Cancer institute yet again during August and they had agreed to take up the donation in the first week of September.

I had traveled all the way to Cancer institute to deposit the neatly packed hair on an open table. I had written down the details about me for further help.


Low water consumption, no hair cosmetics, no combing for at least a month, no hairfall, and what more do we need in life? A complete peace.

During the days of sufferings, I wanted to share about this to spread an awareness, but the sympathy shower seriously changed my mindset.

Finally, after two months there was a call from the Cancer institute. They thanked me for what I had done. That one call for two minutes was a proof that I had done something worthy out of the sufferings in the two years.

Now I can proudly say, “I HAD DONE IT”.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Does ambidexterity really improve brain activity?

It has been an general opinion among people that ambidexterity is associated with increased brain activity. This assumption is based on the fact that the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left hand and vice versa.

Though the fact about brain activity, and parts of brain controlling different body functionalities is true, ambidexterity doesn't really help to improve brain activity. Moreover, based on a few studies that are conducted with right handers, left handers and ambidextrous people, the ambidextrous people had scored less in memory and logical reasoning.

So, why is activating different parts of brain doesn't help in improving brain activity? The reason being the confusion between multihandedness and ambidexterity. A multi handed person, say Sachin Tendulkar, who writes with left hand, and plays cricket with right hand, has different functionalities of brain activating from different hemispheres of brain. This would still maintain their brain hemispheres to be asymmetric.

At the same time, for an ambidextrous person, the same functionalities would be activated by both hemispheres, which would result in mirroring of brain activity. This would lead to confusions, while deciding which hand is better suited for a particular task.

More than that, it also affects the critical decision making and logical reasoning power of the brain due to mirroring effect. Hence, ambidexterity is considered to be more of an disadvantage.

Though there hasn't yet been any scientific or statistical proof for ambidexterity to improve or deteriorate the brain functionality, from evolutionary behavior, it can be observed that ambidexterity is the least favored. Hence, it wouldn't be a bad conclusion to state that ambidexterity doesn't improve the functionality of brain.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Does education serve it's purpose today?

It was the first day of my Higher Secondary education. I was in a new school. I was trying to get to know the people around me. Then from somewhere the Chemistry teacher arrived. Instead of asking for an intro, he had asked a question to get to know the collective opinion of the students, "Why are you people coming to school".
Initially I thought he was sarcastic with that question. As people started to answer the question, I was planning to do a show-off. All the answers were similar to this, "I wanna get a good job, get settled in life etc". I framed the sentence this way to make it sound different, "Learning is the ideal way to earn money to make a living and make the country rich. So, I am here to learn".
His immediate reply was, "Leave all the patriotism, It is about money at the end". I had to agree it, because it sounded true to me. Then from the far end of the class, a voice arose. She said, "I am here to develop a character". She had clearly won the appreciations from the teacher and other students.
That seemed to have answered the question which was running in my mind ever since I was a child, "Why should I go to school, when I can learn the subjects that I like on my own". It was to develop a character.
When I started to think a while about it, I had realized how great the pre-colonial education in India, which valued studies, research, self-discipline and moral values equally. We had completely lost our track during the British era. We have valued knowledge gaining more than knowledge sharing. We had started to make a business out of our knowledge and ended up becoming greedy.
Then there came a group of uneducated idiots, who had corrupted our politics so much. When India focuses on 100% literacy, doesn't it matter to a politician to have a degree in social science and humanities?
At the same time, are the educated people doing the right thing? They are seeing education as an investment to become rich in the long run. Scientists, engineers, doctors and other science students, who understand the universe better than a layman, are not concerned about environment at all. They are making money by making extra-ordinary technology. The excuse for them being, "I am a science student. It is the responsibility of a social science student to take care of the world. Not mine".
Then the businessman, who clearly know, what it would take to make an collective growth of the society, spend most of their time in making people buy whatever they had made.
Then the religious leaders, who believe that mere prayers would make a better life. When the Abrahamic religions popularize their religious saying that their particular God would give them more wealth, the Indian religions are getting drifted towards taking up alien principles into their religions. What is wrong with Hinduism and Buddhism? Shouldn't their religions be telling the followers, "God wouldn't care for you, if you don't care about every other living being". The every religion modern philosophy of "Do prayers and chant God's name to get a better life" is not a solution for God's sake.
Everyone has simply failed to take up some responsibility on their own. We have faced it's results in Thoothukudi Sterlite protests. It doesn't matter what the people have done. It is wrong that the police had opened fire at the public, They might not be innocents, but does that mean that they should get killed?
We are fighting so much in Courts to eradicate death penalty even for the most dangerous terrorists. Did we do the right thing, when people had fallen on the road because of our bullets?
When both sides had breached their code by indulging in violence, we see on the other side the movies that justify violence. We see that movies portray violent beings as heroes. They are trying to express that peace cannot be brought in a non-violent way.
Guys! Gandhi had quit the Non-Cooperation movement just because people had moved away from their non-violence code. Isn't that a lesson to be learnt from the past?
Shouldn't we care more about morals and humanities than making profits for a better living?

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Bangalore based NGO files a case for complete ban on International Women's Day

This is not the first time NGOs and social activists have been keen on restricting celebrations of festivals in India. Deepavali and Holi are the best examples of how NGOs have played with the sentiments of common people by considering the celebration to be hazardous to environment. Adding to that list now is International Women's Day.

A Bangalore based NGO, which has refused to disclose details about it, has filed a case against Women's Day celebration in India. Though NGO has tried to maintain the case secretly until the ban is completely implemented, the leader of Feminist India Association, has filed RTI against the case and got the necessary information regarding the case.

The case statement provided by the NGO states that, "India needs to constraint the way it celebrates festivals. There is a festival everyday in one or more parts of the country and every single festival, which India claims to be its tradition causes environmental hazard. Though adapted from Western countries, Women's Day celebration in India is still vile and more hazardous than any other festival.

Plastic covers that are used to wrap the flowers and bouquet, are discarded at the time of acceptance of the flowers, or the bouquet as a whole is disposed improperly. This causes huge environmental hazard by means of soil pollution and water pollution. It is also found out that the deep sea creatures confuse between jelly fish and polythene flower wrapper, which has been the reason for extinction of a rare species in Antartic Ocean.

Last year, when we had approached the High Court, they had cancelled our petition, the reason being there is no strong evidence to prove our fact. With one year of hard-work with the support from Barbados University, we had come up with the statistical details of how much exactly is the impact of wrapping plastics to the environment.

With these evidences we expect the jury to take necessary action under Environment Protection Act, 1986 to ban the celebration of Women's Day as a whole in India".

On further enquiry with Court and police officials, it is found that the Court has not accepted the petition on complete ban on Women's Day in India as it would restrict 50 percent of the population to enjoy their Right to Freedom. However, considering the impact, which is said to be 220000 kg of plastic disposal on this day every year (too huge and constitutes to 23 percent of global plastic disposal throughout the year) the Court is considering the case to be valid and taking necessary actions to make restrictions on the celebration of the festival in India.

With more and more NGOs funded by other countries keep emerging and restricting Indians from celebrating festivals, it is an irony today to still call India as a country of festivals.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Supreme Court is against the "Neutral Equality Bill", which will ensure equality between all sections of people

Though clearly mentioned in the Indian Constitution that every citizen of India should have the "Right to Equality", the citizens should always have to come to street and fight for their basic right. Unlike other countries, India is unable to provide this basic right, because the Supreme Courts, laws and law governing bodies are against the right to equality.

Perhaps, Rajinikanth has rightly said that the system is corrupted in India.

More than ever, in the current rule, equality in the country is at stake. Two instances of the same are as listed below:

  • During demonetization, there was no equality between the people who had 500/1000 denomination, and the people who had 50/100 denominations. It was clear that people with higher denominations had to rush to banks to get their money converted, while the lower denomination holders were relaxing at their home.
  • During GST, due to variable tax slabs, equality between different business people got affected.
When people were losing faith in government and hoping for someone from a different planet to take up their responsibility to correct the mistakes, the oppositions came up with a proposal to solve the inequality issues in the country.

They had made this anecdote to represent the solution, which goes like this, "If the Supreme Court takes up a case, involving a thief, who has stolen Rs. 1 Crore worth of the property from an innocent, the Supreme Court has to act neutrally, and give Rs. 50 Lakh worth property to each". The opposition also stated that this theory had come up to their mind after getting inspired by the neutral people in the internet, who always try to be neutral between criminals and victims, and ask them to divide the price and punishment equally between them.

To get enough support to make the proposal into a bill, all the opposition parties had come together raising support from the neutral citizens of India by spread their opinion through the hashtag #NeutralEqualityLogic. Speaking with one of the key people in making the proposal we get to know that there had already been 10 Lakh people, who had shown their support openly and they are yet to receive 40 Lakh more people.

Though protests are going viral in social networking platforms, Supreme Court has condemned the right to protest against the government. It has issued an order stating, "The proposed bill would challenge our previous judgements as the bill would modify the laws written in the Constitution".

The statement from Supreme Court makes clear sense that the whole corrupted system is afraid of the #NeutralEqualityLogic bill.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Scene 81: Innocence is the modern foolishness

That was the last droplets of love on him, which stopped her from moving away after seeing the kind of evil he had become. She regretted for a moment that she should have never come been there to meet him. In the many years of her absence, he had never become the man she had wanted to be. The qualities in him, which she had hated evolved to make the rough and ugly evil out of him. She started feeling guilty for leaving him and not stopping him from becoming an evil.

"If you're thinking that you should not have left me, know this. There had been many incidents, which could have happened differently: You could not have left me; people could not have laughed at me; people could have been kinder to me; I could have been more tolerant; and so on", he said seeing her eyes, which had already reddened due to her emotions. The feeling of her own irresponsibility of being supportive to him, the hatred that he had acquired all qualities that she hated the most, the anger that she could not stop him, the pity that he had lost all his good character and many more feelings reflected on her eyes.

"But...", he continued after a pause and said, "Things just happened just in the way they were supposed to happen. It's everyone's nature to be whom they are and show what they are. It's my nature to show what I am. So, even this incident is happening this way, because it is destined to happen this way. Nobody can change it".

Something was stopping her mouth from opening. She tried her best to fight with the external force, but before she could open her mouth, her eyes gave up and started shedding tears. Her lower jaw dropped and she started weeping about how truthful his words were. At least she started believing that what he was saying was true, but she couldn't accept it. Her mind was blocked completely and she was about to faint. Her eyes closed and she was loosing her balance. The whole world was revolving around her, she could sense that she was falling, but she had no control over her body.

When the ears started losing their sense, they had heard that scary loud laughter that emerged from his mouth. The laughter was making her condition worse. Her hearing sense depreciated faster. She didn't give up this time. She stopped controlling her cry. Suddenly, her mind recovered from trauma and took back the control over her body. She wiped off the tears on her face and looked at him boldly. He was stricken by surprise that she had enough courage in her to face the evil inside him. After a moment, he started laughing at her again.

She shouted, "Stop it. Look at your face. Do you even remember how handsome your face used to be? Do you know what made me fall for you? It is the innocence in your face. Do you have any trace of that in your face now?" He went to the mirror and looked at him. He turned to one side to see the dark circle around his one eye and then to the other side. He saw how creepy his reddish eyes were. He tried to smile. For a moment, she saw that innocent smile in her face again, but still it was ugly due to his red eyes. The next moment, his eyes shrunk and his eyebrows came down to make the face scarier than ever. His lips broadened and rapidly a laugh emerged from his face. He looked vile than ever.

She still didn't give up. She knew that he always valued facts more than emotions. So, she started collecting the facts to prove him wrong, so that she could see that innocent smile again on his face. "See. You're right that things happen as they're destined to happen, but have you thought about yourself? Think about what you value more. You've always wanted to be the kindest person on the world. You got that thought, because you were the one, who was destined to have that thought. How many times have you cried on my shoulders thinking that you should have been a kinder person to me? How many times have you regretted killing that frog, which didn't intend to harm you?", she said in a caring tone. His face softened. The evil laughter in his face came down, and he started to listen her like a child and think over her words.

As his face started calming down, she wanted to capitalize on it by adding a few more facts. "See! You used to be a person, who can't even kill an ant. Remember what you've told when I asked about you?", she asked. His face showed the sign of deep thinking. In an excited voice, she continued, "Ant is afraid of us. It doesn't know what it is doing. It is just its defense mechanism. Humans are strong enough to bear this pain. We should have the mercy to let it live".

As she was telling that tears started overflowing from her eyes. Even the greatest evil of mankind would have turned merciful by looking her face. Slowly he shook his head and stopped. He seemed to have come to a conclusion. She started smiling with rolling tears as she saw that he was becoming calm.

"I can't, right? I can't", the words came out of his mouth. His face got reddened gradually and the anger started occupying his face again. "Yes. I can't", he shouted and continued in the angry tone, "I can't, right? I'll show you what I can. I'll show you that I can. I'll make you regret saying that. I'll show you what I can. I can show you what I can". He repeated these words in different tones.

The smile in her face vanished in a moment and her voice broke down. She couldn't rise her voice as she kept staring at the weird expressions that appeared on his face. He lost the eye contact and turned his eyes to ground, and started to walk around the same place. He kept saying, "I'll show you that I can". His voice had already come down, but she could still hear what he was saying.

After a moment of thinking how to bring him down, she held his and turned his face towards her. She said in a caring tone again, "Look! You really have to show me that you can, but you should know what you should show to me". "Ya! I don't know anything", he said. "No no no! I meant to there is something that I want you to do for me. For me. Won't you do it?", she asked.

He stood for a while with a confused face. She continued, "I know that you can. You were much more capable than what you think you are. There is something that you can do, which no one else can do. It is your tolerance. See. Everyone can kill an ant. You can also do it, but think about this. Is there anyone else, who can be tolerant with a steady mind and take the biting ant in the hands without hurting it? Can anyone do it? You alone can do it".

The deep thought phase continued in his face. She was in a dilemma whether to continue or not. He looked at her as if asking her to continue. She took care of her words this time not to tell anything negative to him. After a small thought, she continued, "You are the kindest person I have ever seen. You are probably the kindest person, the world would have ever seen. That is how capable you are. That is what you can do and that is what you should do. There is a lot more that you can do. Why are wasting your time in revenge, anger and other emotions".

He seemed to have moved by these words. His voice really came down. He asked, "OK. Now what are you asking me to do" in a mild voice. He looked like he got exhausted with his thoughts and waiting for her to clear his brain. With confidence she said, "Become that innocent man again. Let the world celebrate your temper and tolerance".

A sudden loud laugh burst out of his mouth. His laugh was sarcastic and he focused all his laugh at her. She could not understand anything. Her face went into a deep chaos. "Was he playing a trick with me? Will he even be so evil? Are does this mean something else with this laugh? Why is he taunting me? Has he gone mad? No. Why is he laughing at me? It is irritating", millions of thoughts kept running in her mind in a loop as he saw him laughing at her.

"Look at that face!", he said and continued laughing. He wanted to continue the sentence, but he couldn't control his laugh. He tried his best to take some breaks in between and uttered these words, "Innocent face... Innocent face... just look at that... innocent face... like a fool". His voice increased much and his laugh echoed throughout the room. Her body started shivering due to the vibrations created by the echo.

She went into a different universe were the laughing sound waves became invisible physical forces and started to compress her from all sides. She froze in her position as the layers of sound screens were compressing her. His face tore through the screens and approached her. From both sides, his hands tore through the screens and held her face. As the hands turned the face towards him, the screens started to vanish and she came back to the real world.

His angry face close towards her. He stared at her innocent face. His eyes showed glimpses of mercy for a fraction of second. He closed his eyes and opened them back like a hungry tiger looking at a trapped prey, which had no way to escape. He pushed her face back and gave an evil smile at her. She couldn't move for a while. The shock had paralyzed her for too long.

She could see that he started saying something, but her ears were totally silenced as she moved through different universes in a short span. Finally his sound started increasing and in a few seconds she could make sense of what he was saying. She heard the following: "Innocence. How foolish! Let me tell you a story. There were three kids in a place. One of them was me, of course! One of those kids bought a box of sweets. He wanted to share it with us. So, after eating his share, he kept two shares one for each of us. The other kid was readily eating the sweets when he was offered the share, but the poor I was busy with my own work. Before I could finish my works, I could hear from the kid, who bought the sweets that the other kid had eaten my share of sweets too. It was hurting that people were selfish and being a predator, and consuming other's shares also out of desperation. In a moment I came back to the understanding that the high priority work that I was doing needed a small sacrifice and I had taken the right decision. My theory about my loss was indeed convincing. When I went to the place where the sweets were placed, to my surprise the box was still present. It looked like someone had deliberately hiding the box from me, so as to irritate me. When I had approached the box, I had the feeling, "People in the world are actually kind. They just want to irritate me, but they have kept the share of sweets for me".

When I took the box in my hand, and opened it, I found that the box only had empty wrappers and no sweets. There was a loud laugh inside the room. It was from the person,who had eaten my share. He laughed at me, because I had been a fool in believing that they would even be kind to me. The laugh kept echoing on the walls. I was standing the same way you were standing now. I couldn't understand what was happening around me.

Suddenly I felt as if I was inside a cage in a zoo and the whole world was laughing at me. Then I was on a circus and the audience were laughing at me. The laugh kept echoing inside my ears even after he stopped laughing at me. He had the pride of depriving me of what I deserve to have and successfully making me trust that there was a hope of kindness in the world.

I learnt a lesson that day. I was not cheated because I was greedy. I was not cheated because I wanted to take off someone else's property. I was cheated because, I believed in people. I was cheated because what was required at the particular time. I was cheated out of the desperation of someone else. I was cheated because I was innocent."

It took some time for her to process the whole story. After that she replied, "Is that all bothering you? I'll make him apologize to you. Don't worry. I'll do anything for you".

He started laughing at her again. She couldn't take it anymore. She shouted, "Stop it". Before she could speak anymore he said, "That's exactly how it feels when someone laughs at you. And what did you say? You'll do things for me? Do you even believe that I'll ask you for a help? Or did you think that I'm so incapable of doing my own work? You don't have to do anything for me. I had already killed him, You should have seen how he begged for mercy. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen. He was funnier than how you're now".

She couldn't believe that he could behave that way. She felt that everything she believed about him was a lie. She started to feel that the whole world was made out of lies.

He looked at her confused face and continued, "Kindness doesn't exist darling! The world shows no mercy. If you're sick, the world feels happy that it is better than you. If you're a fool, the world won't empathize on you. Instead it would make you feel guilty for your incapability. The world doesn't know the difference between innocence and foolishness.

It's tiger's purpose to hunt. If it becomes tolerant and tempered, people would make it dance in a circus and have audience laugh at it. If the same tiger escapes the circus and turns towards the humans, they run away in fear".

"But what did you achieve by killing him? Did that change your past? Don't you think that your logic is made out of flaws", she asked in an angry tone.

"No. It didn't change the past, but it did change the future. Innocence makes you a laughter stock dear. People admire at the cheaters. They admire at the people who do scam. Have you ever seen anyone laughing at a criminal, a killer, a rapist, a terrorist? People simply hate criminals, avoid criminals, and at times become criminals. The world accepts criminals, but not the victims. This is the world of happy cheaters and humiliated innocents. Killing him did send a message to the world to not laugh at me anymore. This is how villains form. The society creates it's own sets of rules, which it never follows. I create my own rules and I strictly abide by them.

When the honest people become evil, it creates tremors in the dishonest society. They feel a serious threat for their unity and they do their best to kill the evil in the name of protection to common people. What they never understand is that they are the actual evils", he concluded his theory.

She was moved by what he had told, but she couldn't accept it. She started to find reasons to disprove his theories, but all she got was a set of memories. The memory when she got insulted and humiliated in her childhood for being innocent, the memory when he was waiting at her door crying and begging for her love when she was doing the terrible crime of cheating on him and many more memories that proved his theory that, when she was innocent, the whole world laughed at her, and when she did crimes, the same world had begged to her for mercy.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Rajini is proved to be anti-Indian as his political entry unveils his mask

Allegations and allegations from all opposition parties, and finally Rajini reveals his true color. On his video addressing the people of Tamil Nadu to register in his unnamed party, he showed a letter, which went viral, but he had left an evidence in the letter to prove his true stand.

Rajini's political entry is not a surprise to anyone, because everyone has been expecting him to enter politics since the late 90's. Rajini is opportunistic to enter the politics at this particular time, when both the ruling party and the opposing party have failed to show any major pubic support.

To give a grand entry to politics, Rajini and his fans have been building up the hype for quite a few months, especially after the death of former Chief Minister Dr. J. Jayalalithaa. To put an end to all the hype, Rajini has finally confirmed his political entry and on the very next day after his confirmation, he released a video asking his fans to reunite by joining Rajini Mandram. With the video, he released a letter to download the official app "Rajini Mandram" for his fans to register the details about them.

Rajini's voice and gesture was a magical potion to their fans that they had not even looked into the letter in detail before sharing it with their family and friends. When the opposition parties and Amazon University, Brisbane were full fledged to prove his connection with aliens, Baker Street Irregulars came up with a new theory about Rajini's political stand.

The strange thing that the investigators from BSI had noticed was the mentioning about linking voters' ID in Rajini Mandram website online or through the app. They had analyzed the line with the software they had created to match the political trends and news. The analysis report showed that Rajini's statement was totally against the political stand of India. Though there were several other reasons, which the software displayed, the reason which was bright and marked in red was the ignorance of linking Aadhaar card, which had been added in fundamental rights of Indian Constitution.

This move to ignore Aadhaar card by Rajini had took the attention of several national patriots and political leaders after BSI posted the same on their social media wall. One of the prominent spokesperson of a major party in the country has took this seriously and filed a case against Rajini and his party in the Supreme Court under Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002.

It is said in media channels that Rajini would soon be facing the Court for breaking country laws and trying to manipulate the citizens of people to act against the Constitution. The movies 2.0 and Kaala are at stake as Rajini would have to face the judgment soon.