Sunday, April 9, 2017

Aadhar Card mandatory for opening an YouTube account

Government of India is about involve in the citizen's privacy

Intolerance has been growing in India ever since the current Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has come into power. Religious, cultural and linguistic harmony among the people has become an unreachable desire in the recent past. The effects have also made us to feel that we are still not an independent nation being rules by a tyrant monarch.

What has become intolerable is that the government is even involved in making the decisions of the individuals. Aadhar Card, which was the achievement of the previous Congress government to be used as a fancy ID card, that can be framed and placed in the showcase, is misused by the current government to identify the citizens.

It has become more intolerable when Aadhar Card is made mandatory to the citizens of the nation. This act by the government has challenged the fundamental rights of the citizen, to choose to be a citizen of the country or not. It is pretty clear that the government is going to replace all the cards that we carry with the Aadhar Card and make us dump all other cards to dustbin. It takes a lot of hardship.

After making Aadhar Card as a mandate for students to get their mid-day meal, Government is ready to enter our own private world. The recent meeting with Google CEO, Sundar Pichai, was about the age restrictions that need to be taken care before watching adult content on internet. Google CEO, who is of Indian origin also understood the concern of the Government to focus the country's children into studies by tailoring the internet content specially for them.

Modi's recent meeting with Sundar Pichai and devastating results
There are a few challenges that have to be faced, in order to achieve this tailored video and text content for the age groups, because most Indians give fake details, while signing up in Google and other social sites. Modi said in the discussion that, "With Digital India everything is possible" and asked Google to sync their user accounts with Aadhar number. Google has agreed to this idea and for the first step they are going to sync the YouTube accounts in India with Aadhar Card.

This move by the Government strictly restricts the freedom of internet for the children, who wishes to watch an adults only content. This will also be a blow to all those incognito users who would like to hide their personal feelings from the world. More than everyone else, it will affect the free time works of all those fake accounts, who try to make a living by creating accounts on girl's name and try to be an always-available-friendly woman to all those neglected boys.

Government gave a big blow to the life of all these minority population of the nation and trying to breach the code of democracy, which is "minority rules". Protests have already started in the nation against this move by the government, which is about to come to reality by the beginning of June.

Betrayal cases have been filed against Google for they are about to destroy the life of the hidden world, but Google is not concerned about it because only money does matter to them. What is worsening is the fact that Modi has started the talks to make Aadhar Card the age proof standard in India and about to meet Mark Zuckerburg and other social media giants by the end of this month.

If the discussions happen successfully, then we might get our Aadhar details synced with Google and Facebook details, that when we try to create an account in other online sites, the age restrictions directly apply to those accounts too. It would definitely affect the everyday pornography customers and hobbyists. This may even cause a lot of unemployment by cutting destroying the business of all those innocent video uploaders, whose only income is by uploading the web-cam and secret cam videos on such sites.

Seeing deep into this content, there is a lot of investments that have been made by all the fake account holders in buying a camera, internet, photoshop software etc. Most of them do not have enough money to afford their own equipments, hence they had got loans from private banks to arrange for all these. By destroying their business, they would not be able to payback the loans and hence the government has to bear the costs to repay the loans.

If the Government restricts the freedom even more, we should really consider inviting UAE, UK and USA to invade our nation and become a daily waged slaves to them.