Thursday, July 28, 2016

Just One Tea

"Tea is bitter". Oh! So sad that English has done injustice to the feelings of almost 2 billion people who drink tea regularly. Or may be that English does not have the right word to mean the taste of tea (not even the taste of one variety of tea).

Drive, is the word that comes to my mind when I sense (with one or more sense organs) the proximity of tea near me, because drive is what tea does to me. Tea is the catalyst for my mental reactions. It drives away the stress and brings in a new energy, simply cleaning up the brain junk. In other way it drives the stream of thoughts to a higher speed.

There is an interconnected roadways through which the various memory regions of my brain are connected. Mood outs, heart breaks, tiring works, disappointment, anxiety and many more damages the roads quite often and the signals are lost, and the paths look untraceable. Then comes tea to repair the damage. It dissolves the road blocks and precipitates them in the gaps to form bridges. Then that invincible feel resumes. Wow!

Modern Buddha philosophy to reduce anxiety says, "Take a moment and have a tea". Drinking tea makes the drinker cool; it gives mental stability and creates peace of mind; it keeps the drinker off negative thoughts; it minimizes the effects of anger, revenge and sorrow does to one's mind. Tea is hence the new symbol of peace. That justifies why Dalai Lama says, "the world is moving towards peace" because tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, first being water.

It is  not wrong to say, a human is reborn every time he consumes tea. Fresh thoughts, refined thoughts make the person feel alive and feel brisk, just like a reboot to the computer after opening multiple applications at once.

Tea fits almost everyone because it comes in multiple flavors, with wide variety of configurations, specifications, additional components and personal taste features. A person's personality is reflected in the flavor of tea, he drinks. Psychologists could actually use tea habit as a criteria to figure out the personality of a consumer.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Four Types of Manager - Girlfriend Analogy

Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in this content are not referring to any real life person directly or indirectly. So I request you to not take this personally and avenge on me in the future.

It has become a trend today commenting on managers here and there at tea breaks, shopping, phone, family get together, social media etc, just because that is the only way the employees can take revenge on their manager as doing the same with manager's knowledge would lead to self-planned misfortune. Thinking about whom else people comment so regularly in a group conversation,  the second or sometimes the first person to be commented would be their girlfriends, lovers, wives, 'just friends', besties or whatever they call that closely associated people. When we go deeper, we understand that the most commented person and the second most have something in common that it often looks like they both behave in the similar way with their employees or boyfriends.

There are different types of managers whose behavior can be mapped one-to-one with types of girlfriends. These different types are classified into four distinct behavioral types as explained below:

1. Nagging Type

These types of managers are the most common types of managers. They simply want their employee's presence with them. It is more of a kind of infatuation towards their employee. They make their employee's place just near them so that the employee will be in their vicinity at almost all the time. Even if the manager has a separate cabin for him, we often hear, "come to my cabin" from him/her. They hate their employee's absence. They never approve leaves and not even allow them to take breaks. The employee literally feels to say, "Sir! I signed just the job agreement with you and not the marriage agreement". Whenever the manager wants a work to be done, he/she simply says, "Can't you even do this? Then why the hell are you still with me? I have expected a lot from you. But you keep disappointing me" Now we understand the person from whom we had actually heard a similar statement.

2. Possessive Type

We all know the stories of possessive girlfriends, but possessive behavior of managers is a consistently evolving in the corporate world. These types of managers do not go in the vicinity of their employees unless someone else talks with the employees. They just do not like their employee to like someone else. In this type, there are two sub-categories: the first type of managers burden their employee with a lot of work when they find their employee smiling at someone else to show their dominance control over the employee and the second type in which the managers tend to be goodies and try to show care on their employee or simply crack an irrelevant joke just to show that they like their employee more than the other person. If they have nothing to talk about, they simply ask about the works that had already been done, the works to be done on August, 28, 2046, a feedback about them or at extreme situations they yell at the employee for something wrong with some other employee at some other period of time.

3. IDC Type

We do not often get to see this type of managers, though exist among us. These type of managers are the direct descendants of Karnaugh, because they just DON'T CARE. The people who do not know who is Karnaugh, may click on the link:

They don't care with who their employee is, for how much time, at what place, how frequently, for which purpose etc. They mind their business and never interferes in their employee's business. They go with whomever they like, they work on whatever they choose, they simply do whatever they want and let their employees do the same on their side, but often states that they both are committed. There is absolutely nothing more between them except the word commitment and occasional meetings.

4. One Side Love Type

This is the weirdest type of managerial behavior an employee could ever see. These managers behave like the employee's ex-lover or the girl who never cares about the existence of a boy. They do exist in between the other types. When an employee tries to meet his/ her manager, the manager simply finds a reason to avoid the talks with the employee. These managers always have a reason to be busy and they never let their employees come inside their vicinity. The most common response when an employee comes to them is, "I am busy right now, we shall talk over this some other time. I'll ping you when I am free". The employee finds this type managers always offline. If the employee pings the manager when he/she comes online, the manager goes offline immediately. The next time the employee might expect a reply from the manager something like, "I have a boyfriend" or the manager may even permanently block the employee.